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"F-Father! What's going on!" I pleaded worriedly.

"[Name], I want you to run away from the main house! Call the squad and stay out of danger!"

"B-But father, I can fight these guys off on my own!" I insisted.

"That's the thing sweetie! You're valuable to our forces and we wouldn't want to make the same mistake we did when your mother insisted! Now leave!" Father ordered.

"D-Dad! I can do thi-"



With that, I ran from the main house. I ran far off from our district and fended off any other soldiers who got in my way. The reason I was able to stand up for myself was because, yes, I am part of a secret society of assassins and have been training my whole life. I was the captain of my squad and the daughter of our clan leader. The [Last Name] clan was known for being the best of the best. We have been rivaling with another well known clan from the association called the Uchiha clan. Our clans have never really been on good terms and since I'm the heiress of our clan, I plan on keeping it that way and making sure I live up to the [Last Name] name! I will say this again, we are assassins, yes, but during the day, our family runs a dojo and teaches all the things I've learned like karate, judo, martial arts, self defense, and my personal class my father has for me, sword fighting and other weaponry handling.

I've been searching for my father's backup squad through the forest but they didn't show up on my radar. I had no choice but to bring my squad into my father's range.

"Guys, I need you to close in on my father's radar and fend off his attackers. I hope your ready for the worst." I ordered into my earpiece.

"Yes, Ma'am." I heard my whole squad reply through the earpiece back to me.

"Sweetie, can you hear me?" I heard the piece speak.

"Yes father." I confirmed, coming to a halt.

"I need you to retreat into the Uchiha district and ask for backup." Father ordered.



That name gives me an unsettling vibe and I hate the sound of it. "Father, with all do respect, you had to choose the Uchiha's! I thought they were our rivals! Plus, isn't there some other district who can assist in this battle?"

"No, we need a clan who can match against our strength. We need the strongest there are and the Uchiha's are the next best thing."

"Father, I must disagree! Can't you do anythi-"

"Auuggghhh!!!" I heard my father strain from my earpiece before the static sounds started to kick in.

"Father! Father! Father, what happened!" I worriedly yelled into the piece.

What was happening! I thought my squad was with him? Ah! I'm panicking again! Stop panicking!I guess there's no other option but to get the Uchiha's.


I finally made my way to the Uchiha district, just a few meters away from the entrance. Nobody seemed to be on watch which was a good thing. That gave me a leeway to make myself look like I was in actual danger.
I was cutting myself a little here and there with a kunai and let my crimson blood drip down with ease. It was night at the time so the moonlight shone across my body and the Uchiha district. I put my kunai back into my pouch and started limping toward the district's entrance. Half of my limping was fake, but the other half was definitely real because I did slash myself a whole bunch of times, right?
I try to make my acting more realistic by adding the good old tear effect. I went down memory lane and went far off to the point I could remember half of my life. Then, I stopped at the street about father's mistake. It was the memory of mother's death. Oh how that day made me crumble to pieces. My heart shattered into a million pieces and it took years of rebuilding myself and a bunch of lab tests. Lab tests to forget, but it never worked. Enough of that, it's time for the tear effect. I thought hard about the memories and got myself to have watery eyes. A tear trickled down my left cheek and soon after, my right. My once bright [Eye Color] eyes have now tainted into a faded, sad color.

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