𓆙 Chapter Twenty Seven 𓆙

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3rd Person POV:

After the war, peace fell upon Konoha and the other villages.

It was quiet except for the noise of construction due to the damages the hidden leaf village has faced.

Our protagonists were now strolling around, minus Sasuke, who was temporarily being kept in custody.


"My arm feels weird now!" Naruto whined.

"Well, that's your fault, isn't it?!" Sakura irked, smacking Naruto on the back of the head as Y/n sweatdropped.

Y/n slightly held Sakura back, "Be careful...he's just got out of the hospital." They spoke with a  deadpan.

Sakura sighed, "Fine..."

Naruto then pondered for a second, "Hey! When do you think Sasuke is going to be let out?"

"Not for a while. He was a traitor, after all." Y/n narrowed their eyes, as Naruto perked up.

"But he's not a traitor anymore....?" Naruto obliviously tilted his head.

Sakura irked at Naruto's idiotic nature, "But the village and Lady Tsunade do not know for sure if that's true!"

Naruto silently nodded, "Oh...I understand now."

Kakashi then arrived out of nowhere, as he spotted his three students walking together.

"Hello!" Kakashi cheerfully waved at the trio.

"Kakashi is so cheerful lately...it's creepy." Y/n shivered, as their teammates nodded and shivered in agreement.

"What's got you in such a good mood, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura sweatdropped.

At that, Kakashi smiled at his students from behind his masked face, "Nothing. I'm just glad you all are alright."

Y/n let out an exaggerated sigh, "I'm not alright. My jinchuriki status, as well as my...face...had all been revealed!"

Naruto deadpanned, "Y/n, why do you still wear your bandages even though everyone already knows what you look like?"

"Because I can." Y/n hissed sassily, as Kaburamaru and Mitsuri nod in a sassy way, too.

The others sweatdropped.

"But I suppose it's alright to have Sasuke back." Y/n admitted while murmuring.

Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura and perked up at the emo's confession, as they all glanced at one another with a smile.


Y/n decided to meet up with Shikamaru, who was under a tree with a cigarette in his mouth as he cloud gazed.

Y/n stood over the male, "Hello, Shikamaru."

"Y/n...Hello." His gaze slowly met theirs.

Shikamaru then smirked, and blew the smoke into Y/n's face.

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