Potential Energy

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Matt stood in front of the bright red doors that marked the entrance to the tall and sturdy brick-laden building that most referred to as a place of education and learning. But he saw it as something more, a place of endless potential, where people realize their dreams and choose their destinies. He opened the door slowly, marveling at the grandiosity that so few cared to understand. He walked into the main entranceway. No one else around. The halls were empty, but not without sound, not even slightly. Matt stamped his feet on the dull grey carpet before continuing down the hall, making his first left turn around the bend like he did every other Monday morning. His shoes, although now quite dry, still made a hushed squeak with each step. He looked back, Whoops. Inder isn't going to be very happy about cleaning that; he thought to himself as he gazed back at the faint but present trail that he was leaving behind.

Matt walked past the main office, making eye contact with the receptionist working there. She was quite well dressed, dress-shirt veiled under a cute little cardigan. She smiled and waved at him, and he did the same in turn.

He continued forward, passing the first classroom on his right. He stopped to peer inside; I wonder what they're doing here today? There were desks set up in the middle of the room, and on those desks stood a rather impressive display of bridges constructed purely of popsicle sticks and glue. Wow, look at that! Those guys in there could be engineers or architects for sure. Those are amazing. And look at the looks on their faces, the way their eyes light up, they're enjoying every second of it. Well, maybe not that one guy in the corner over there, but wow. I wish that's what I got to do today.

Unfortunately, though, not my stop just yet.

Matt continued down the grey tile hall until another entranceway on the left caught his attention. No door, just an empty doorframe, and through the empty doorframe, all he could see were wooden stairs. But a soft singing sound rippled through the air, funneling its way out into the hallway, echoing off of the surrounding walls. However, it wasn't just sound; there was a clear purpose and a sense of urgency behind the notes. It was music. Music of which was so enchanting that Matt couldn't help himself as he tiptoed up the wooden steps and peaked his head around the corner so he could see the current music class in progress.

Sure enough, what he saw was just as magical as the melodies he'd heard. Mrs. Peters was teaching a music class, instructing the kids who are standing before her to sing along to a song that she was playing very purposefully on the piano. She glanced over in Matt's direction, making eye contact with him. Matt waved to her shyly. Her face lit up, and she smiled and waved back. Mrs. Peters has quickly become one of Matt's favorite teachers. She's so kind, so inclusive, and most of all, she was incredibly beautiful. Not the type of beauty that one throws in another's face, her attractive looks are more subtle, more modest, elegant even. Matt blushed before returning to the hall to continue the journey to his destination.

Matt strode towards the stairwell, but he once again became distracted by something, this time a smell. He began to ponder what it is to which that sweet aroma could belong. He backed up from the stairs and altered his trajectory to accommodate making a detour around to the cafeteria to find out what they had cooking. He checked his watch, realizing he still has about ten minutes left before he needs to be on the clock.

Matt burst up the ramp and walked over to the cafeteria counter and inhaled a massive whiff of what he could only assume were a freshly baked batch of cookies.

"Hi Matt, how are you this morning?" one of the cafeteria ladies asked warmly.

"You guys...you guys know my name?" Matt inquired in response.

"Well, of course. We try to get to know everyone who comes through here on such a regular basis," the cafeteria lady responded, a smile spreading across her face.

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