Part 1 of the Story of Y/n And Draco

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It was Y/n's way to hogwarts She was new there She got in the Hogwarts Express looking for a seat when she saw a guy with white hair and he was alone and Y/n said, Hi Can i Sit here Sir all the other seat's are taken she said The White guy look at her and said Fine But be silent He said and looked away Y/n sat and smiled at him and said, Not a good day i see but the guy still ignored her She asked what his name was but he still ignored her she kept asking and asking until the guy got annoyed and said Alright My name Draco, Draco Malfoy He shouted then looked away Then Y/n was scared so she stop asking Draco looked back and felt kidda sorry so he said Im sorry I shouted I don't talk to people more often What about you whats your name? He said Y/n Said Im Y/n, Y/n Lily Potter Draco said, Oh I see your a Potter I know your Brother he wear's neerdy Round Glasses he said And Y/n Said Hey! My brother might wear that but atleast he's not mean! Even though i never met him before She said Draco said wait you never met your brother? Y/n said yeah i never met him we got seperated when we were little draco said sad but Anyways Can you Buy some Candy or Chocolate for me im kidda hungry can you get some from that Candy Lady Y/n said Sure i want some too Ok ill get some but draco stoped her and said hey what about the money he said She said oh no worries ill pay for it ok dont worry bye she left her chair and go to the Candy lady and said Hi Maam Can i Get 2 Chocolate's please The lady said Sure Dear one Sec What Y/n Dont know that she's gonna meet her Brother there right now Ok Wait for Part 2☺️

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