Chapter 1

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"...and with that, I believe we have come up with a good strategy, to combat the growing threat of Zarkon's forces. Good work today everyone."

The Paladins all let out a sigh of relief as Shiro dismissed them from the meeting room.

"Man, I thought that thing was never going to end!" Lance popped his back as they began to file out of the room.

"I know..." Hunk groaned. "We were in there for hours. I'm starving!"

Allura smiled at them, "I know that meetings like this aren't exactly as riveting as flying around in Voltron, but Shiro is right. You all did good work in there; you should be proud of yourselves."

"Thanks, Princess." Pidge looked down, "I just wish that there was something a little more... hands-on, that we could do for the people of Olkarion. They've helped us so much, and sure, this plan to take out Zarkon will help everyone in the long run... I just wish..."

"There was something we could do now." Shiro finished. "I know how you feel. But this meeting was important. It means that we finally have a chance to end this war."

"But what if just defeating Zarkon... doesn't change anything...?" they all went silent as they pondered Keith's question.

"We can't think like that." Allura finally said quietly. "If there is one thing that I have learned since you all took up the mantel, as the Paladins of Voltron, is that the most important thing is to have hope. We can not lose that. Or else, we might as well have already lost."

"Allura's right, Keith." Shiro put his hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile. "We just need to have faith. We can do this." Keith gave him a small smile in return.

"As sweet as all this sappy talk is, I wasn't kidding when I said I was starving, so can we go check out one of those Olkarion night markets?" They all laughed as Hunk's stomach made a loud growl for emphasis.

"Alright," Shiro laughed. "Let's go get something to eat."

"Ew! What is that stuff?" Pidge pointed to a pile of squiggly brown goo that would twitch occasionally.

The vendor smiled, "Oh that is one of our regional delicacies, Hippenthur. The soft gooey texture, mixed with its strong spicey flavor really awakens the senses. Only 3 Gac."

"Uh... I think I'll pass..." Pidge quickly covered her mouth before she could throw up.

"Oh, that looks delicious! I'll take one." Hunk handed over the coins while Pidge just stared at him in horror. "What, you're never going to know if you like something until you try it." He took a big bite of the goo. "Oh... oh my... that... that is spicy..." he started coughing and quickly ran off to the nearest drink station.

Pidge just shook her head and went over to sit with the rest of her friends.

"What's yours taste like?" Lance reached over and pinched off a piece of the pastry-looking dish Keith was holding.

"Hey, hands off!" he glared at him.

"Oh, that's really good." He smiled, "Allura, you've got to try this."

She broke off another piece, "Oh Lance you're right, that is wonderful."


"Here Pidge, you try a piece." Allura broke her off a piece.

"Mmm... it tastes like a mix of apple pie and strawberries." She commented. "Which stand did you get this at Keith?"

When they looked over at him, he was sitting with his face down on the table, banging it against the surface.

Lance shrugged, "I guess he doesn't want the rest of it." The three split the rest of the pastry between them.

"Did you guys break Keith again?" they looked up and saw Shiro smiling as he sat down next to the red paladin.

"Keith was very kind to let us sample his dessert. I don't know why he's hitting his head though."

Keith sat up and gave her a glare, without any real anger behind it.

Shiro laughed, "Here you go, buddy." He held out a second pastry to Keith and his eyes lit up.

"Thanks, Shiro!" he quickly took the dessert before any of other the teens at the table could take it.

"No problem." Shiro ruffled his hair.

Allura smiled at the brotherly affection. "You know, you both have never told me how you knew each other before Voltron." Keith tensed.

"Yeah, Allura's right," Pidge continued. "I had no idea you two knew each other beforehand."

"Wait, you guys knew each other before Voltron?" Lance said in surprise.

They all groaned.

"Oh no, did I miss Lance saying something stupid?" Hunk came over and sat with them.

"Lance didn't know that Shiro and Keith were friends before Voltron." Pidge supplied.

"What?! That's like, so old news, man!"

"Ok ok so Lance doesn't keep up with these things, so sue me!" He rolled his eyes.

"So how did you know each other?" Allura asked again.

"I... well..." Keith looked up to Shiro and saw him just staring at him quietly. It was clear he was waiting to see how much Keith wanted to tell them. "I... we..."

"Paladins!" suddenly, they were interrupted by a loud, orange-haired, Altean. "Ryner has informed me of a disaster near your location. One of the buildings containing housing for displaced Olkarions has caught on fire. She is requesting your assistance."

"We're on it, Coran." Shiro quickly stood up. "Heading to the location now."

(A/N - Hey guys, thanks so much for reading! I hope you like it so far. I update every weekend, so I'll see you in a week. Happy Valentine's Day! When I say Vol, you say...?)

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