Good Vibes

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Kole was totally stressed out. It was Junior's second birthday and she was running around like a headless chicken.

Her friends were trying to help her put together a dinosaur party because that was Junior's newest obsession and she was plum tired and defeated.

Bumble Bee hugged her. "Take a breath."

Kole took a deep breath. "Thanks. I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Why?" Jinx wrinkled her nose in confusion. "It's his second birthday."

"Because his first birthday was mostly for us but now he's aware of things and what he likes and wants."

Cheshire waved a hand. "Lian's like me. We like all the same things. Right, baby?"

Lian screeched in her mother's lap.

"That's right." Cheshire hugged her child.

The moms all cooed while the ones yet to enter the parental ring smiled warmly.

Bumble Bee clapped hard. "Okay, we have one hour to turn this whole area into Jurassic Park!"


Junior screamed loudly when he saw the common room as his dad brought him in. He was in love with dinosaurs right now and the entire top floor (in the area) looked like a jungle. He could vaguely hear dinosaur roars in the corners of the room. It was perfect!

Jericho clapped with a bit of difficulty to get his son's attention. He pointed out a "jeep" hidden behind a "bush".

"Daddy!" Junior pointed.

"I know." Jericho signed.

"Go there?"

Jericho smiled and took his baby over to the cardboard vehicle and set him inside.

"Vroom! Vroom!"

Starfire got as many pictures as she could.


"Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Junior!
Happy birthday to you!"

Junior closed his eyes and blew out the two candles on his large green and black decorated tiered cake.

Everyone clapped before Marco screamed loudly for cake.

Bumble Bee dropped her head and sighed.

Cyborg facepalmed. "Maybe he shouldn't get none?"

"He'll die and try to kill us in our sleep."

Changeling snickered as he swept the little boy up into his arms. "Want cake, Coco?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Marco wanted cake something fierce.

Kole laughed as she cut the cake. She gave the first slice to Junior then cut a piece for Marco. "Don't level the tower, Little Cy."

Marco didn't care about anything but stuffing his face with his favorite treat.

Junior giggled at his cousin.


Every woman looked at Red Arrow like he was an idiot. "Roy!"

"He is two!" Red Arrow was sick of this. "He won't eat any blocks!"

"What about our new baby?!" Cheshire snapped.

He really hadn't thought that far ahead.

"Not to mention, Joey and I are going to start trying again!" Kole bit off.

"And he still will put them in his mouth." Bumble Bee monotoned as she held out a Lego block to Junior, who promptly put it in his mouth.

Red Arrow gave up. "I guess I can't ever have Legos!"

"Why are you trying to play with Legos?" Nightwing taunted.

Red Arrow flushed darkly. "I'm not!"

"That's what you said." Kid Flash pointed out.

"That's not what I meant!"

"Say what you mean, mean what you say." Cyborg quoted his grandmother.

Red Arrow turned in his seat, away from the other partygoers.

Lian screeched loudly.

He brightened. "My baby loves me!"

"Someone should." Bumble Bee fought Junior for the Lego piece.

Kole tickled her son and he opened his mouth in a laugh. "We sure don't."

Red Arrow grabbed his daughter and held her gently. "I love you, Lian."

"You!" Lian giggled.

The whole party stopped as that was her first word.

Surprisingly, it was Red Arrow who burst into tears. "My baby can talk!"

Cheshire wasn't far behind. "This is amazing!"

Kole danced with Junior. "You're making everybody's day better."

Junior giggled.


Yes, Changeling turned into a dinosaur for Junior to ride him.

Yes, all the kids loved it.

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