Draco's POV

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"I'm in love with you..."

"I need time to get over you..."

"I'm your best friend and I expected more respect from you..."


Draco Malfoy didn't seem to hear his Mother, his eyes firmly fixed on the albino peacocks roaming around the grounds.


Snapping out of his reverie, Draco turned around and saw his Mother looking at him with worried eyes. "Mum?"

Narcissa Malfoy folded her arms on top of her chest, "Did something happen?"

Draco moved his eyes to the gate, "Yeah"

"Did you and Hermione fight?" Narcissa asked.

"Fighting is an understatement" Draco said tiredly.

Narrowing her eyes, Narcissa made her way towards him. "What happened?"

Sighing through his nose, Draco lowered himself on the steps. "She's in love with me"

Narcissa snorted.

Draco tilted his head, his eyes narrowed. "Find something funny?" he asked with sarcasm.

Narcissa poked her son's side with her foot, "Move over" she commanded.

Obediently, he moved to the side, giving his Mother room to sit.

Gathering her dress with her right hand, Narcissa gracefully sat herself down. "She finally told you then..."

Draco's eyes almost bulged out of its sockets, "You knew?"

"Two years, I've known for two years" Narcissa replied.

"And you didn't tell me?" Draco asked in disbelief.

Shrugging her shoulders, Narcissa averted her gaze. "It was not my secret to share love,"

Feeling depleted, Draco leaned his back on the tall marble pillar behind him. "And here I thought she was not serious."

Narcissa's head snapped to the side, her eyes narrowing into slits. "What did you do?" she asked sharply. "Tell me you didn't do anything stupid!"

Draco covered his face with his hands and began rubbing it in frustration. "I really thought she was just yanking my broom! I didn't know she was-"

"Oh for the love of Merlin, what did you do?" Narcissa demanded.

Draco let his hands fall to his lap, a guilty look crossing his features. "I laughed."

"You-you laughed?" Narcissa sputtered, her face showing how mortified she really is.

"I didn't mean to laugh!" Draco said defensively. "It was like knee-jerk reaction."

Narcissa stared at her son, disappointment radiating off of her. After a while, she shook her head and hefted herself up. "That girl didn't deserve to be ridiculed Draco, I thought I taught you better than that."

Draco brushed his hands through his hair, gripping it tightly. "I didn't mean to...I was being stupid" he said feebly.

"You are" Narcissa replied.

"I know..."

"Think before you react" Narcissa said as she climbs up the stairs. "If you carry on like that, then maybe Hermione deserves better"

Draco moved his hands to his face, burying his face in shame.

"I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us, how we met and the sparks flew instantly. People would say, "They're the lucky ones." I used to know my place was a spot next to you, now I'm searching the room for an empty seat, 'cause lately I don't even know what page you're on..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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