sir this is a starbucks

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authors: judice, isopod, and dark grey male

"Hi there," said my hot ass fuckin Starbucks waiter with dreamy brown eyes and wavy locks of dark hair

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"Hi there," said my hot ass fuckin Starbucks waiter with dreamy brown eyes and wavy locks of dark hair. He was so hot. SO sexy. Enough to rival Suchmonk Kwutra, my past lover. I bet his feet are even stronger and girthier than sooky's.

"Um um um um h-h-h–h-h-i," I stuttered in a cute, submissive and breedable kind of way.

"Spit it out, slut."

"Can I have.... Um. uh... you... please?"

"Excuse me? What the fuck?? Stop wasting my time you fucking loser" God he was so hot. The way he degraded me. I could feel his hot gorgeous brown orbs burning into my innocent, piss yellow, lifeless eyes.

"SORRY! I meant um.... Coffee... large. Please."

"It's called a venti and you need to specify the type of coffee you stupid fucking whore"

I nearly came.

"I....uhm... ah.... Ahn~ I want a um..... Pumpkin spice latte..... With extra.. Cr-c-cu–c-cu-cream.....please....."

"Only basic bitches buy pumpkin spice lattes. Plus, it's out of season you rancid white cum slut"

I stared in shock. Not because I wasn't white, but because he knew. He knew i was basic, he knew i celebrated Christian girl autumn...But how? How could he have known? Was it my thigh high grey corduroy boots? My dark wash skinny jeans with the small rips at the knee? My tan coloured fedora? My cable-knit cream coloured sweater? My loose, messy bun?

"Okay..... Venti.. Matcha... latte.... Please.,.,,,uwu" I said as I loudly moaned and shot my load into my pants. He gave me a look, as to let me know that he knew I just creamed my pants.

"This is a starbucks you ignorant fool," he yelled, throwing an iced, caramel machiato, 10 shot, venti, less ice, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda, 1 shot of you, [and] poured, not shaken at my face.

"Th-th-this isn't what I...what I wanted. I asked f-fo-for a match-cha latte" I whined, throwing my hands to my sides, fists clenching.

"Quit whining you filthy dog. Now send $50 to my cashapp for wasting my time"

"N-no-none of these words ar-r-re in the bible"

"If you don't shut your goofy ass mouth right now I'm going to shove this caramel pump up your ass and you'll be shitting burnt sugar paste for decades you absolute fucking fool"

A deep red blush spread across my barista's face as I looked up at him through my yeelashes.

"Wh-wo-would you let me have a turn with the judas cradle t-too?"

"That's it I'm putting semen in your coffee. You know what? I'll spit in it for good measure. I hope it teaches your dumb little whore brain a lesson"

I moaned so loud that it echoed into space and scientists thought they had audio evidence of alien activity.

"I can't do this anymore.... TAKE ME DADDY" I screamed, as I flung off my shirt and proceeded to begin grinding on the cashier table.

He suddenly reached into his back pocket and pulled out a 16 inch piss yellow dildo. "To match your eyes" he said in a deep, sultry voice, winking at him. I let out a soft mewl, pupils blown out, filled with lust.

"UGH daddy take me with your monster cock"

"Not just monster cock. It's a venti cock with iced, caramel machiato, 10 shot, venti, less ice, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda, 1 shot of you, [and] poured. With..." He paused sexily. "...extra whipped cream."


This started out as a simple 'this is a starbucks sir', but nothing was the same after he added "spit it out, slut". God what those words did to me. What I wouldnt give for him to scrunch up those words and shove them so far up my ass. After that, I was escorted out of the Starbucks security, but I still think of the sexy man with his sexy face and his nasty words every night when I touch myself with the 16 inch piss yellow dildo he gave me.... His arousing alluring sexy hot tempting insults were so hot that the thought of them alone had me heaving against the headboard, wishing I could've had a piece of that iced, caramel machiato, 10 shot, venti, less ice, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda, 1 shot of you, [and] poured cock.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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