Chapter 1

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2:43 am~Friday 

Y/n's POV:
"WELL FUCK YOU THEN" I screamed getting pushed out my house, I stood on the sidewalk as my bitchy dad threw some random clothes at me and my phone which smashed slightly as it it the floor "don't come back here you spoilt brat!" He said slamming the door probably going to make love to a random prostitute. I screamed out of frustration running my hands through my hair before picking up the stuff my dad threw at me and stared to walk tears streaming down my bruised face. "What a fucking dick" I muttered to myself making my way down the street eventually arriving to an apartment block. I enter and walk up the stairs, I get half way up and open an exit door to a corridor. I reach a door and knock on it praying for an answer.

It swings open,a tall tired boy opens it half asleep "what do you want it's like 3 in the morn-" he stops studying my bruised tear soaked face as I stand helplessly at his front door "oh y/n" he says pulling me into a hug as I break down crying "he kicked me out again Peter" I sob before he squeezes me tighter stroking my hair "it's ok,come in" he says dragging me inside and taking me to his room,he takes the random clothing of me and puts them on his desk before getting me a shirt from his closet "here you can sleep in this" he says throwing it to me and turning away to give me some privacy. I change into the oversized shirt and sit on the bed,Peter gets some spare sheets and starts moving boxes from his top bunk and making the bed. "Here you go" he smiled softly and hugged me. I held him tight before climbing into the bunk bed and tried to get to sleep but it was impossible, I laid thinking for hours on end about what my dad would do to me.

Night turned to morning so may came in to wake up Peter. "Peter get up you have school-"
She paused looking at me "morning y/n? What time did you get here?" Before I could answer Peter pulled her out the room, I heard mutters but couldn't make out a conversation. He came back in and passed me some shorts that I'd left here before and his hoodie then left the room to get changed. I climbed out of bed and quickly got dressed then left the room, i walked into the kitchen to talk to may, "hey may, I'm really sorry about earlier I just had nowhere else to go last night" I explained, she smiled at me and took a deep breathe.
"It's not a problem y/n,I promised your mother I would take care of you which is why I really want you to speak to someone about your father. I don't like seeing you hurt by him" I sigh "may I want to I just really can't, 3 more years and I'll be 18. I'll get my own place"
"But what if I gets worse before then" she asked, thank god Peter walked in and passed me an apple. "Cmon where gonna be late, bye aunt may" he said before we left the apartment and made our way to school.

We get to class and sit at our desks,i try to cover my bruised face with my hair and listen to the teacher, half an hour in there's a knock at the door. "Can i please borrow y/n l/n" the principal says. I look to Tom who has a confused expression before I stand up and follow the woman out the room to her office,we sit and she starts to ask questions "y/n, where are those bruises from?" She stares at me as I think of a believable response,
"I fell" what a stupid fucking answer, my dad's going to kill me. The woman stared at me before continuing "them bruises are not from falling miss l/n, did you get in a fight?has something happed at home that we need to be aware of?" She asked.
"No" I said sternly staring at my shoes
"Y/n I am not convinced, I will be calling home. You can return to class" she said. My face dropped in panic as I ran out the room, I punched a wall and shouted "for fuck sakes!" My dad is actually gonna kill me .

I skip the rest of school and go back to peters and lay on his bed, after hours he comes home angry "where have you been all day!" He shouted confused as I sat up
"My dads gonna fucking kill me"
"What?why?what do you mean?" He sat next to me holding my hand
"The schools gonna call him" I said lifelessly as we heard the a hard knock on the door, Peter got up to get it as i pered round the corner. The door swung open "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!" my dad yelled attracting mays attention who comes running in quickly
"hey Steven what brings you here?" She asks trying to lower the tension
"That bitch is trying to get me arrested!" He yelled pointing at me
"I didn't mean to dad I promise the school just took me out of class and wouldn't believe me"
"I'm gonna fucking strangle you,fucking hoe" he shouted storming towards me,Peter stood and blocked him "I think u need to leave" he said calmly, my dad pushed him furiously
"You think your tough eh? Move before I knock your tucking head off!" He shouted
"Peter please just leave it" I pleaded
"No, she's not going anywhere with you." He told my dad getting close to him
"What did u just say to me?!" He said furiously clenching his fists
"She's not going anywhere with you" he said loudly before getting punched hard in the face, he hit I'm back and they started to fight, "GET OFF HIM!" I screamed as may tries to claw Peter from him "stop it now! Before I call the police!" May shouts making my dad let him go
"Look what you've done you selfish bitch" me dad shouted grabbing my arm and pulling me out of there and all the way home.

He threw me on our kitchen floor "you know what happens if you tell your school? You'll get taken away! I'll get arrested! You'll never see Peter again because you'll be to busy in some other city with a random family! Your mother would be so disappointed in you!" He shouted taking a small knife from the cabinet "your actions must be disciplined"he said walking towards me, he took his knife and pressed it against my skin cutting deep into my arm "apologies now!"he shouted spitting in my face
"Fuck you!" I shouted as he raised his knife in the air, I was saved by the sound of sirens outside. "Come out with your hands up" we heard faintly, noticing the flashing blue lights through the ripped curtains "for fuck sakes! Stay here" he said walking out the door "officer this is a mistake" he said calmly as he is approached by officers,
"Steven l/n, you are being arrested for violent behaviour and abuse, when questioned if you do not answer it will be used against you. Whatever you say may and will be mentioned in court. The officer put him in hand cuffs and dragged him to his car, Peter and may watched as officers walked into the house. I hid in a small cabinet not wanting to me taken away as officers searched the house "please come out y/n, your not in trouble" and officer said searching under the table after they leave the kitchen I run to the window and jump out then I sprint down the street soon noticed by some cops, blood leaks down my arm as I'm chased down the street by police and Peter "y/n please there just gonna help you" he says Making me stop surrounded by cops I hold my arm and catch my breath "don't take me" I pleaded as a woman approached me "I'm sorry but we have no choice, you can stay with miss Parker until we can find you a permanent home" she said as Peter took my hand and walked me to a car and we got in it followed may. I felt my eyes grow heavy and directed to sleep

Young love-Peter Parker x y/nHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin