a park is a fun place (2/12/2022)

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So for a bit of context my best friend has another friend group that I met at a football game like 3 months ago (I'm pretty sure it was in November) but I became friends with her friend group and she genuinely has the best friend group. And I had formed a platonic crush on one of the people in her friend group fast forward to now and I saw two of her friends at the park and one of them was the person I formed the platonic crush on

So today I went to the park and immediately as I got out of the car I reqegnized someone I had seen before (to keep it simple lets call both of them Jake and Ashley) of course like the girl boss I am I didn't go up to them bc I am nervous as hell. And kind of just kept seeing both of them so Ashley and Jake looked like they were having fun while I was still watching my siblings bc I'm boring and had nothing else to do

After awhile Ashley left and so Jake (the one I have the platonic crush on) stayed he went over to were my siblings were and asked if he could push them on a spinning swing thing (Idk what its called ill take a picture sometime) and I'm still watching my siblings.

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