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What in the world convinced you anyone was ever capable of empathy in the first place?

-[ it was years since they left,
and i was wrecking my life
just wishing for things to be undone.

just when death was at the door
hope decided to stay a little longer ]-

dystopian short story | mature

this story is a work of fiction, but the characters in it are not - they're as much real as any human can be.

written in first person POV and inspired from many incidents of my life, this story deals with darker and less spoken topics like suicide, anorexia, mental illness and recovery.

no person or community was harmed in the process of writing this story - sincere apologies if it does and feel free to comment on the same.

"we are kind,
not because we are weak,
because we know firsthand
that life isn't"

comments, critics and opinions are always welcome - as long as you're polite about it.

no bashing anyone - even the characters; this is a safe space.

A/N: hoopty, howdy, hello, namaste, bonjour, ciao!
thanks for choosing to read this book, you're really awesome!

trigger warnings aren't explicitly given, nor are words censored, so read this work at a fair risk.

that aside— *pushes away all the heavy topics*

how are you all?

if you don't really know how you are doing, then, do me a favor and tell me which color is your heart today hehe, a simple one. or even what's the vibe of the day, thank you.

how did you spending your valentines this year?
i am really single, so, don't ask me-->.<

but, i really did manage to write something, so there's that.

let's get to the story now, shall we?

let's get to the story now, shall we?

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