•Cyan, Red, Silver Rope Burns•

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Wildfires of embarrassment swam through his bones, his skin, his veins. He was ashamed to the point he felt tears pricking his eyes. The reason for his frustration was, of course, the wretched piece of paper. Paper on which disastrous, awful, unacceptable words were scribbled. Words and words drowning in the white ocean, and him drowning in those helpless words. 

The paper with crumble lines accentuating its state laid flat on the table under the careful gaze of three pairs of eyes.

Three pairs of eyes-

Cyan. Red. Silver.

Three vague emotions-

Ashamed. Disbelieving. Astounded.

Different pairs of eyes spoke their own language as they tried to piece together one information between the three figures.

To all of their surprises, the almost deafening silence was broken by an ear-shattering pierce of glass shattering against the floor.

The daze that clouded over all of their eyes was broken at that exact moment.

"Oh- oh... sorry, that was me." Spoke up the aqua-haired male and then hesitantly continued, "It seems like they reached out before us, perhaps... with a different plot in mind?"

"Whatever it is Yoonie, this seems way too forward and simple to not be a trick."

"Weren't you the one convincing him to ask them for assistance last time Hoba, why are you being so suspicious right when they did reach out to us with goodwill?"

"Asking them for help isn't the equivalent to a marriage fucking proposal Pyne! And that too one that comes with a deal, this is way more complicated than it seems."

The person of attention, who was the main star of their conversation, was very much not present in that room. At least his attention was not. The soft banter of the two people in front of him worked as the perfect white noise that he could just zone out to. He had no intention of wanting to hear what they said at the moment, although that was precisely the reason he was standing in the Defense General's Office for.

All these two were for him right now, were annoying little bees who could not give the correct answer to him no matter what.

The answer he needed. That would determine his and his Kingdom's future.

After a few minutes of the usual back and forth between Hoseok and Yoongi, Jimin finally decided to bring up the topic that everyone was subconsciously trying to avoid.

"So will you tell me what to do or not? I don't have the time to play around, you know."

After not coming up with a solid decision the night before, he finally decided to contact his friends, trying to see different opinions other than his own biased ones. And contact the both of them, he did, although very reluctantly. That letter was unabashedly inappropriate, all with the love language and everything. Jimin knew that the sweet words pouring out of the paper were not actually true, they held a sort of taunting tone to it that he couldn't handle, but nonetheless, it was still shameful.

"Ah yes, well- uhm-" Hoseok loudly cleared his throat, trying to buy some time to piece his thoughts together. "Even though I still feel like he might have some ulterior motive, I might have to acknowledge the fact that his reasons do make sense. It's a win-win situation for both parties right? And in any case, it's just a deal. So...I think you should

agree? Don't attack me please!" The last sentence was said in an awfully high-pitched shriek. It was honestly amusing to see the military general afraid for his life in front of a skinny angel-faced man.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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