Be normal or be nothing at all (Prologue)

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Seb looked presentable. Enough. Presentable enough since he had just killed someone. But he wouldn't be telling anyone that, they didn't need to know. Well, he would tell Michael that because he had been sent to kill Charlie Whiting by Michael, so he would need to know. And Kimi would also know, because Kimi was his 'partner in crime' as people liked to call it. But nobody else, because Seb had a life outside of working for Michael Masi, he was an F1 Driver for Ferrari, and he quite liked that.


Seb saw Kimi standing behind him in the mirror, watching him as he took one final look at himself, to make sure all the blood was gone. 

'He's gone,' Seb whispered, hoping that no one else was about to walk in. 

'Good,' his friend replied, 'what isn't good is the stupid press conferences, you have to go for it in 5 minutes.'

'Yeah I know. Do I look normal?'

'Normal as in 'like you haven't killed someone in the last 10 minutes'? I think you look fine in that case.'

'Good. Tell Michael that the job is done.'


He watched as Kimi left him alone again. 'Normal, Seb,' he thought 'Be normal or be nothing at all.'

'And Seb, like Max you have a new teammate this year in the form of Charles Leclerc. We've seen what Charles can do in Sauber, should we be expecting any battles between the two of you?' said the journalist sitting in front of him.

Seb sighed, he'd been expecting questions like this. As much as he hated to admit it, he did care about his reputation in the sport, and he didn't like the idea of some kid beating him. So the answer was no. But Seb had to be the good guy so he had to say something more than that. Luckily, Michael made him practice for this so he already knew what to say. 

'Well, I think we will have to wait and see. Obviously, Charles is an amazing driver and there is no doubt that his rookie season was amazing but there is no telling what is going to happen.' 



'Do you work well with Charles compared to Kimi? I know you have already voiced your opinion about how you worked with Kimi but how is it different to working with Charles.'

He still worked with Kimi, he couldn't care less.

'Again, we'll have to wait and see. I've been working with Charles for only a couple of months so I don't think I can make a proper judgement on how I work with him yet. All I know is I would have been happy to continue working alongside Kimi.'

'Ok, thank you'

God, he hated media days. He wish he could say that, but that was Kimi's persona. Kimi was the 'no bullshit guy', Seb was the 'nice guy.' They couldn't change that because if Seb started saying things that Kimi would say, then that wouldn't be normal. 

And if you weren't normal, 

To make it worse, after it had finished for most, the day had not finished for Seb and Kimi. They still had to talk to Michael about what was happening now that Charlie was dead. Well, they knew what they wanted to happen, but they had to work a bit harder to get it to actually happen. 

He went to Michael's hotel room and knocked on the door and soon Michael opened the door. Kimi wasn't there yet, which was expected. Kimi had quite a bit in common with his persona. He was pretty lazy and didn't care much about what people thought about him. Also, unlike Seb, he didn't care much about Formula One. He was just there because Michael needed him there, but Seb always dreamed of being a Formula One driver. He loved Michael Schumacher when he was a kid, he loved watching him win and he was proud to have gotten to know the most successful driver of all time. Michael wasn't there anymore, but Seb was. So as much as Seb wasn't supposed to care about Formula 1, he did. For Michael. 

'You'd better come in then,' Michael said, 'good job by the way, the news just broke out about his death and no one suspects a thing.'

'Of course they don't, when would they ever?' Seb replied. 

'Never if you're doing the killing. Seriously though, good job because we can do what we have always wanted to do now. But--'

'We need Kimi, I know. I'll go out and call him.'

'Ok, here's the card because I'll be talking to some people from the FIA. We're getting somewhere, you know? And it's only just been found out.'

'That's good to hear. I'll go out now and leave you to it until Kimi comes.'

He walked outside and called Kimi but it went straight to voicemail. He expected that too. 

'Kimi get your ass to Michael's hotel,' Seb shouted down the phone. 

He knew that would be enough to get Kimi to come, but when he came would depend on when Kimi would decide he wanted to listen to the voicemail, because he already knew what would be on it. 

However, Seb had to wait for Kimi to come, so he leaned against the wall and stood there. And waited.

'They don't know who I really am,' Seb thought. 'They just know my persona.'

But his persona wasn't normal, which meant it was nothing. Or maybe he wasn't normal, his persona would fit in this world more than he would. After all, wasn't that why he had to use it? 

'We're nothing.' he whispered under his breath. 'Me, Kimi and Michael. We're nothing.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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