Shit Happens

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Your name is BRO STRIDER.

Actually, no it's not, but your legal name is something very shitty and won't be showing up anywhere where the public can see it if you can help it.

Anyway, your name is BRO STRIDER, and you need to have a talk with your little brother. Not your typical head nod, eyebrow twitch, "'Sup, Bro,'' kind of talk. An actual man-to-fucking-man talk.

You cancel your mental plans for a strife later today, and you sit yourself in the living room with some hentai you found earlier in Dave's room. It's a Thursday, so you're going to have to wait a couple of hours before Dave gets home from school.

As usual, your little bro's timing is perfect. Just when you're getting to the good part, he walks in and chucks his backpack in the general direction of his room.

''What the fuck, Bro.'' He doesn't like you messing with his shit, but it was laying under laundry on his bed and begging to be watched. He's trying his best to keep a straight face, and you're impressed with his efforts, but if he didn't have shades on he'd probably have some look of shock on his face.

''Dave. Found this in your room. Didn't know you were into yaoi.''
Dave grunts and plops himself on the other end of your shitty couch. He's watching it, you know he is, but he has a disinterested expression.

''It's kinda hot.'' He admits, shrugging as if he doesn't care. He's hidden his embarrassment well, but the tips of his ears are red.

You glance at him a few times behind his shades. Sexuality was not a topic you'd really had to teach Dave. He learned from your smuppets and the occasional one night stand you brought home.

You shrug one shoulder and lay back casually. ''Out with it, kid.''
You know he knows exactly what you're talking about. He knows you know he knows.

''So I'd rather do it with guys.'' His mouth expression doesn't change, but his hands are shaking slightly. Dave doesn't have the control over his emotions like you do. You're teaching the little guy, slowly.

''That's cool.'' You've had a couple of fan-fucking-tastic sexy encounters with guys yourself, but more often than not you find yourself attracted to women. ''Got any guys you wanna do?''

Dave chokes on nothing and tries to pass it off as a ''tch'' sound. You're not stupid, but you let it pass.


''C'mon, little man. Tell me who you want to fuck.''

''Ew, Bro, no.''

You grin and shove him off the couch. ''It's that John kid, isn't it?'' You've seen the way they are together. Either Egbert is gay or just weird. Probably both, now that you think about it.

''He keeps saying he's not a homosexual.'' Dave sits on the floor like it's a chair.

''Givin' him some space, that's good.''

Dave pauses for a moment. He's gonna say something, but he hesitates.

You wait.

''Bro, I know you really don't give a fuck about anything.'' He begins, as if that's actually a sentence.

You snort. ''Strider genes, kid. I've fucked dudes before.''

This catches him off-guard. ''Really?''

''Use a condom and don't be too rough to start.'' You weren't planning on giving him this kind of advice, but what the hell. ''Guys know how to handle a dick better.''

Dave takes a second, more like thirty, to stare at you blankly.

He then gets up and silently walks to his room.

Fuck, he's missing some good hentai.

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