Its Me?

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"Pres wake up hun school"mom said eww yuck school I hate it its where all the bad stuff happen,and if I forgot to mention my name is Presley Brookes im 14 years old. I live with my Mom and my Nana, my daddy died when I was eight years old he got shot on his way back from. School seriously cant get any worse Celine Martin used to be my best friend until she started doing really bad stuff you should know what I mean... Now she hates literally she hates my guts I don't know why she's always making fun of me I have once been to the hospital because of her she's pushed me and I hit my head on the wall and I was unconscious thanks to her Celine Martin. Anyways today I decided to wear my beautiful skinny to you with neon green tank top and of course my normal backpack but my dad gave me when I was 8 No make that 6 now I know it sounds weird but its not that childish it's actually plain purple so that's why I still use it to this day actually it doesn't have any holes." come on if you don't come down until 10 you will be late young lady" mom said.

I came down finally to eat my breakfast and I had some eggs with toast and some orange juice are you still thinking about how was today was going to go and it was going to go as usual the normals days." okay mom love you bye"I told Mum " make sure to take your rain boots your raincoat and your umbrella I love you hun have a good day okay"mom said. I walked out and it was raining so I put up my umbrella of course I could see Celine walk it on the other half of the street? I noticed me until I got tripped over a twig she yelled out " hey Brooks is it your turn to be shot?" I rolled my eyes and walked away.

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