The Doors Beyond

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Quick note: This was made out of pure boredom, so it may turn out like trash.

Small Story Description:
"Run Sardonyx! Run from us, from them!" Voices from left and right shouted. Sardonyx, a twelve year old middle schooler, was tricked, scammed. Now, she's roaming the BEYOND, possible corruption lurking at every corner. Follow Sardonyx on her journey through the misfortune 'they' have casted upon her. 

I ran through the school gates just as the first bell rang. I panicked as I dashed through the gold and blue tiled hallways, sliding through the sea of chattering children and over to my silver locker. I snatched my notebook and darted downstairs to the library. I finally reached Mr. Moore's room in under 3 minutes, (new record) and sat down, panting as if I was a dog. "I hate having to write first thing in the morning.." I whisper over to my friend, Casey, who is attempting to write a poem for a project that's due in a few days. Casey nodded his head in agreement, "Better now then never" he replied. Mr. Moore walked through the door just as the second bell rang. "Alright children," Mr. Moore started, "Today we'll be discussing the process of writing a Nonfiction Narrative" I rolled my eyes as Casey scoffed. The other kids weren't very excited either.

I sat through a painful 46 minutes of nothing but talking and hand cramps, I could feel my hands screaming for mercy as I was forced to continue writing the old fashioned way. Why can't we ever use computers?! The bell finally rang after what seemed like an eternity, finally, the pain of the first period was over! Casey and I raced to our lockers for the next period, which was history. If you didn't already notice, history is our favorite subject. And especially today, today we were going to a museum. Mrs.Smith told us that this museum featured some of the most famous religions, writers, motivational speakers, and so on. I've never been so excited for something before.

I was making my way to Mrs.Smith's room when I was suddenly pulled off to the side by someone who looked like Casey. "Casey? What's up?" I said. He didn't respond. Just a bank stare, I could feel him staring into my soul, judging every motion I made. He firmly gripped my wrist and started to drag me down the corridor. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I shouted. Once again, he didn't respond. There were children left and right of me, yet not one of them paid any attention to my cries for help. It was almost as if they couldn't hear me all together.

Casey continued to tug and pull on my arm as I attempted to stop him several times. I could feel something digging it's way into my skin. It was as if someone was tearing through the flesh of my arm with a razor blade. "Casey!" I shouted, finally pulling away from him. He looked back at me, irritated with my actions. I grabbed my arm as the pain of sharp knives continued to course through it. I could feel something dripping from my arm, causing me to freak. I cautiously looked at my arm as Casey inched closer to me. I turned my arm so that my forearm was facing towards me and....."AHHH!" I screamed. From my wrist to my elbow, a long, deep cut carved into my arm. It pulsated and bled excessively. The red water-like substance blurred my vision; causing me to stumble and almost fall. I lost focus of my arm and stared at the tiled floors below. A puddle of blood stained the lifeless white tiles. I stood still, mortified at these current events.

Casey finally got a hold of my arm once again and began to pull me along the crowded hallways. "Casey! Let me go!" I protested. There was a moment of silence and then..."You must follow, Sardonyx.." Casey replied.....Hold on....Sardonyx? What happened to just Sar? This definitely isn't Casey. I tried to pull away from his grasp once again, but the harder I tried to pull away, the tighter his grip got. "Sardonyx, stop fighting....let me show you what's beyond." He said, still using my full name. The lights dimmed, the hallway seemed to narrow. Time seemed to stop, the clocks stopped ticking, the chatter lost it's life, and the children disappeared. The only intelligible sound was the blood dripping from my arm, a cascade of red liquid followed us with each step. The walls which were once lined with shining silver lockers turned dark and moldy. The floorboards creaked and the doors were barely hanging on to their hinges. The forsaken schoolhouse was stained with splatters of blood and reeked of gasoline and rotting flesh. With every meaningless step, the stench grew stronger, unbearable.

A sense of panic washed over me as Casey dragged me down a flight of stairs. Several boards were missing, causing Casey to trip and stumble down the blood stained stairs. The rails were covered in char and gasoline, small embers of fire were scattered along the splintered staircase. The awful smell of rotting flesh crept up the stairs and seemed to linger just in front of us. The stairs creaked and cracked as I was dragged down the moldy, ugly steps. "Haha..." Casey chuckled. "Sardonyx..this is the moment, the moment you've waited for, for a very long time.." Casey announced. "What," I hesitated "...What do you mean?" Casey shook his head and laughed, "You'll see.."

Time passed as slow as a snail, but finally something new happened. Casey threw me in front of him. I crashed into a white door, barely hanging on to the metal welds attached to the gravel walls. The door was lined with black mold, and was covered top to bottom with bloody hand prints of every size. "Here we are...the place you've been waiting for." A voice said, standing behind me.

My vision started to blur, the blood pouring from my arm being the reason. I lazily looked up to the being standing over me, a shadow as dark as the night, two beaming white eyes, it's presence drained me of my energy, my life. "Cas...ey?" I stuttered. The wicked figure laughed, "No child.... I am your fear, your nightmares....I am here to reclaim what is rightfully mine." The being forcibly lifted me from the molded floor and opened the white door. The door made a horrible sound, a screeching sound. Enough to make one's ears bleed.

The floor behind the door was caved in, a black, endless abyss. "I have a question, child." The figure said, curving around me like a ribbon dance. ".....What..?" I hesitated. "Have you heard of the stories of The Doors Beyond?" the black, misty shadow said. I nodded, "But I never believed in them...they were nothing but something to mess with your mind..To scare you." The shadow pushed me closer to the open door and cackled. "Oh've thought wrong.." It grasped me by my wrist and lifted me into the air, my feet barely touching the ground. "Now you get to see what lies beyond the walls of reality." I gasped for air as the figure held me over the black abyss, "Please.." I managed to stutter out. The figure's blank stare turned into a maniacal grin. "Good luck child.." And down I went into the dark abyss, no entry, no return.

Everything went black for a moment. Well, what felt like a moment anyways. But that moment of darkness and peace was soon interrupted with a cold, bright surface. " head.." I muttered to myself. "Well, you did take quite a long fall!" An enthusiastic voice said hovering over me. It's soft, lavender eyes gazed upon me like a lost treasure. I couldn't help but feel the slightest bit calm. "What in the-!" I shouted. "Shhh! They'll hear us!" The figure said to me, making a shushing motion. "Who...when...where am I?! Who are you?!" I whisper-shouted at the figure. "Why, you're in the Beyond! And I? I am Rêver."  Rêver calmly stated. 

I looked around, confused. I could hear whispers.."This way!"..."Can you see them too?"..."Stay quiet!"..."They're after me!" voices left an right shouted at me. Rêver helped me up from the floor.  The air was frozen, still. The breeze crawled along my skin, slowly bringing it to a slight chill. My clothes were ripped and torn beyond repair, my skirt was frayed, my sleeves were burnt, my leggings had holes torn through them. Ruined...all ruined. 

I could see my breath in the wind, it was so cold. The voices progressively got louder, closer. 

Everything went dark..the voices stopped, the breeze came to a quick hult, Rêver disappeared...who knows what happened to me next..Rêver could've all been a trick...I could be dead, I could be missing, I could just be asleep..but who knows. The Doors Beyond....a name that I will NEVER invoke on my own will..I'll make sure of it..

 Sorry for the cliffhanger, I'm running out of ideas for this story. I may update it at a later time, hope you enjoyed this mess of a masterpiece ⚠

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