CH. 1

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The cookies were reading in a library not to far away from eachother. The purple haired cookie put the book away and walked to the other cookie

"Any luck?" asked the purple haired cookie "Nope. no luck." the other cookie doubted they were going to be able to find a book about the lotus dragon

"cheer up!" alchemist hugged the other cookie, the other cookie had blushed never being hugged before smiling and hugging back

"ah, while were at this what is your name." alchemist asked the other cookie, the cookie replied "I'm bellflower!"

"Alright bellflower! let's find this book." alchemist smiled letting go of bellflower

after hours and hours and hours alchemist had found a scroll "Bellflower!! i found something!!"
Bellflower rushed over

Alchemist opened the scroll and bellflower grabbing a half of it

--i couldn't find the image sadly--

"Whoa! this is all about the lotus dragon!" bellflower smiled, alchemist and bellflower looked at eachother and fist bumped as they achived what they has needed

--I'm gonna end it here--

--163 words--

" By my calculations.. " // Alchflower [Alchemist x Bellflower]Where stories live. Discover now