Chapter 1

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The sun was blazing that morning, sweat dropped down my forehead and all the stadium was roaring. Pression was in me, and in all of my team, this match needed to be won. Last penalty, its a draw, if we score it we would be champions. It was my turn to shoot, my turn to show the world what I can do. But first, lets start from the beggining...

------1990, South Africa------

"It's a boy!" She said, "He's a little boy!" I can still remember her dark face smiling at me as a newborn, barely a little boy.

"Oh, child" Yes, you may guess, she's my mother, she loved me from the start, she loved me right from the beggining.

"Waaaah! Waaaah!" My crying and wailing was heard all around the place, all around the city.

Having a son was difficult, but my mother loved me so much... Too much maybe, I'll always say she is the best person I have met in my life.

"Ssssh, Sssssh, calm down, Nathan." Yes, she just said my name, Nathan, Nathan Msibi.

"Nathan? Thats a beautiful name, oh and of course, congratulations for your baby boy!" Said the nurse who was there too, admiring the scene of a mother with her newborn child.

------Some Weeks Later------

All the town had heard it, the rumor was now true, a new child joined the small community of Clanwilliam. In my birth town, the rumors spread quickly, the town was small and if someone spreaded a tiny rumour, it will be the main conversation in all the town within few days. My mother was happy about having me now, as she felt alone and really need someone to be with her. But we also had some problems. Lately, Clanwilliam has been getting more dangerous, life is tougher and many of the working jobs have moved to other place, or have got too poor because no one was visiting the town. At the same time, I was growing slowly but steadily as a newborn child, as food was scarce and difficult to find. But my mother kept loving me, she didn't ate just so I could do so, just so in some time, I could be a strong boy. Also, all the nights, my mother sung a beautiful song...

"Sleep, sleep, sleep little boy,
Ring, ring, all the bells ring,
Your cry is an angelical song,
Love is a really small word,
To show how much I adore you"

WRITERS MESSAGE: Hello guys! I've now finished the first chapter of the story I was really looking forward to write! If you are enjoying eat or want to feedback, then please do so in the comments as I would love if someone could tell me some tips to improve this first chapter of my story. I hope you enjoy what is to come! Thanks for reading!

P/D: Oh and I forgot to say that I'll try to post one chapter each Friday, thanks for the support!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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