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Cindy had stopped by at her local pub. A drink or two would help after the constant yelling of her boss at her office job. She thought she did nothing wrong, since he had gotten the files mixed up to begin with, but didn't want to argue and instead took in his words of disappointment like a champ. 

Upon entering, she spotted a bartender she had spoken to on many occasions and headed straight for him. He had made eye contact immediately and greeted her with a smile. 

'How's life, Cid?' He was trying to take in orders as well as talking to her, so she waited until he was done. 

'Shit. You know Frank? He was being such an ass. Just because i rejected him doesn't mean he can come and insult me when I'm working.' 

She had to get that off her chest. His eyes widened, but nodded understandingly.

'That old fuck? You can't keep letting him get away with this shit.' With that they both laughed.

 As she watched him making cocktails, his eyes scanned the area and landed on someone who was already walking towards them. He signaled to Cindy and she turned to her right, focusing on fresh meat. 

'I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but I would like to buy you a drink.' The strangers confidence radiated through the pub. Cindy smiled at his confidence and nodded. 

'Go ahead, handsome.' He was pleased. Upon signaling the bartender, he ordered himself a drink then stood cluelessly. She smiled and said the order herself. 

'Sex on the beach please.' 

For the rest of the night he served as a great distraction. She wasn't particularly interested in him after hearing a bit about what he did for a living, and as he kept going on and on about it she felt that she needed a break. 

'Excuse me for a second, nature calls.' She chuckled and slid out of the bar into the toilet. She felt safe enough to leave her drink unattended because he didn't seem the desperate type that would mindlessly drug girls. Even though she didn't know his name, she was tipsy enough to make these radical decisions. 

Meanwhile, the stranger had his own plan. Now that he saw the opportunity, the only way to make sure she comes with him tonight is to do this. The bar was the perfect location for something like this because everyone minded their business. 

He was cautious and constantly looked over to the toilets, but as he saw nothing he proceeded to take out a little plastic bag from his blazer pocket. The white powder glistened from the lighting and with swift movements, he grabbed her drink and poured it all in. 

He looked slowly at the door leading to the toilet and recognized the figure that was approaching, Cindy. He gave her a smirk, and ordered himself more shots as she sat back down. 

By the end of the night, she was wasted. Not only was the world spinning but also the butterflies in her stomach. The stranger took hold of her and assured her that she would get home safely if he drove them. 

She jumps at this opportunity because at that point she was imagining him naked and on top of her. She didn't know what came over her, but after coming from the bathroom at the pub she was acting like a different person. 

As the stranger has one hand around her waist and one holder he arm, he takes her to his car. After they both enter, he settles down and chuckles a little. He had no shame in what he was about to do and was anticipating every moment. 


The strangers phone had rang. He wanted to ignore it but after turning it on he saw it was from his mother. As he answered and listened closely, his face turned a shade of purple, his breath starting to quicken. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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