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I never considered writing stories about myself. For a person that has written stories and poetry about others for such a long time, it feels quite strange to get out from behind the keyboard and join the story as a character. As C.S. Lewis once said, "True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less." So at risk of sounding like a person that I am not. I shall think of myself a little more so that I can bring to you some stories of my life and include some funny events along the way.

So you, my dear reader, are most welcome to join me and my family as you read on and learn about me the "Danger Gurl".  The first chapter will cover the story of just how this little girl officially gained this title. I can laugh at the story now as I relive the experience, but at the time I had a slightly different perspective. 

I think before I completely give away the story, I will leave the details for the next chapter and simply say, read on if you are curious. I am very interested in hearing what you think of my telling of my tales. If you loved it or hated it, I would like to hear your thoughts in comments or messages. 

Thank you for stopping by and spending time in my life. :)

Alaskan Escapades: The Adventures of Danger GurlWhere stories live. Discover now