Warden Ingo x Starbind... Oneshot...?

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Starbind had just finished battling with the Warden of the Pearl Clan, known as Ingo. The fight was intense, but Ingo and his Pokemon Team came out victorious! ....Not surprising as apparently, he had been a highly skilled Pokemon battler in his past life.

"Welp, looks like I've lost this time... But we came closer to besting you Mr. Ingo!"

"Yes you did young lady, it's truly a pleasure to see you grow and become a better trainer each time we battle!" Ingo staightened his cap, his face adorning a pleased smile.

"Well... Um, since that's that um..." Starbind had a blush adorn her face.

"What is the matter?" Ingo asked Starbind.

She could feel her heart beating faster and she blushed more. Why was she so flustered? It had been almost a week since they had last battled and even then she had lost to him, yet now, seeing how nice he looked and feeling his strong presence made her weak at the knees. She couldn't understand why she had to get a crush on some cool guy no matter where she travelled off to.

"This must be fate!"

The thought suddenly crossed her mind, making her blush more, while Ingo was patiently awaiting for an answer from Starbind, which wasn't much as the young girl was trying her hardest not to lose her marbles. She needed to tell him that she felt something for him... Or was that just her stupid adult hormones speaking for her?

 Either way, she needed to get rid of these feelings. It wasn't good to be a teenage girl anymore.

"Wait what?! Am I still a teenager?"

A wave of confusion washed over her, as she was trying to process all the thoughts racing through her head right now.

"No genuis... you're an adult... get your crap together!"

With a sigh, Starbind shook her head vigorously, attempting to clear those thoughts. This was just some silly crush she had on a handsome guy who probably only saw her as a younger sister. If anything, it was normal for women her age to have crushes on various guys... But why the old looking guy who's been through so much!? Wasn't Ingo kinda old for her?!

"Starbind...? Are you alright?" Ingo asked again, returning Starbind back into planet earth.

She snapped her head up looking at Ingo who seemed concerned with her, making a mental note to herself; "I need to focus."

"Yeh, yea sorry!" Starbind responded quickly and rather awkwardly.

"You see... the thing is um... I..." she inhaled deeply and said "I have a present for you Mr. Ingo!"

"Oh? A present for me?" Ingo replied.

"Close your eyes and open your hand please..."

So Ingo closed his eyes and did as Starbind asked him. When he had opened his eyes once again, he saw a pink, sparkly hairclip with a lighter pink sparkly bow with a darker pink heart shaped gem in the center of it. Ingo then looked up at Starbind with a curious yet, confused look.

"It's one of my very favorite items and well... you're one of my very favorite people... So I wanted you to have it... A token of our friendship if you will..." Starbind replied, looking to the side. A very obvious blush was adorning her face. She couldn't help it... This precious man made her so happy... and her heart ached for him knowing the fact that he was so far away from his family and any Pokemon he had previously owned... sort of like her. Unlike her, he couldn't recall much. Oh how badly she wanted to kiss him! How badly she wanted to hold him and give him comfort! ....Well, you can't force such advances on people. What if Ingo wouldn't accept a kiss from her?! Why did she feel so physically and emotionally attached to someone who looked like he was becoming an old man?! WHY WAS HE SO CUTE?!

As Ingo watched Starbind, he could only feel his cheeks burn. He hadn't expected her to give him a present or offer such a gesture! And to have it be so thoughtful, sweet and adorable! She really is a lovely young woman. A sweet and gentle person. Unlike Starbind's blush, his was barely noticeable.

"Thank you so much, I'll be sure to cherish it!" he then pocketed the hairclip in one of his surviving coat pockets. "Well, I'm afraid I must head off! Iridia has instructed me to check on Sneasler since apparently she's been a bit under the weather lately."

"O-ok... Thank you for the battle Ingo." Starbind looked down, she had a visible look of sadness adorn her features. "Say... before you head off..."

"Yes ma'am?" Ingo asked.

"Can.... Can I hug you?" Ingo's face grew hot red when he heard Starbind say that. Why did she ask him such a question?! She could have just asked him out instead!

"Um... Well yes, I suppose you may. Why do you ask?" he replied.

He didn't know why she was asking him that either. Was it because she was shy about her actions or was it because she actually enjoyed the moment? He couldn't tell.

"If it's not too bold of me to ask..." she paused slightly.

Ingo blinked. He was getting nervous and anxious for some reason. Why was he nervous?? Did she have a crush on him? No, not likely. Right?! His heart pounded in his chest like crazy. He could hear it thumping like crazy.

"I.. would love to..."

Ingo's heart began to beat faster and faster and he became breathless.

Starbind then gently approached him and gave him a gentle squeeze. She was very surprised to have noticed that Ingo's heartbeat was... racing? Like hers?! Both people looked at the other, faces tinted in a rose colored blush.

"M-may I ...hug you a bit tighter?" Starbind asked quietly.

Ingo nodded and wrapped his arms around Starbind's body, causing her to giggle softly. They hugged tightly as their hearts pounded like mad. Neither of them knew why their hearts were pounding but they both hoped that, maybe, maybe, just maybe they would make an impact on the other after all. Maybe.... maybe... maybe Starbind could ask him if she may kiss him...

Ok seriously Starbind?! Why would you ask to do that?! ....You and Ingo are just friends ....right?

Starbind looked at Ingo's lips... then she looked at his eyes, and then immediately looked away. Her face was so red it was embarrassing for the poor woman.

She was about to let go when suddenly Ingo pulled her impossibly close and kissed her!

At first Starbind was shocked and didn't react at first until she finally returned the kiss.

Eventually, Ingo pulled back and looked at her, then smiled a bright smile and kissed her on the cheek, then he let go. The both of them looked at the other, with the shyest of smiles adorning the other's face.

"My apologies ma'am I probably should have asked you fir-"

"It's perfectly fine..." Starbind responded, interrupting Ingo. "As a matter of fact ...I was hoping to kiss you." she looked up at Ingo, a burning blush still on her cheeks.

"I-I see..." Ingo then regained his composure. "Well, I must not keep Sneasler waiting. I'm very sorry to cut this short, but it's time for me to depart!"

"Understood sir...." Starbind sighed "However, one more thing!"


"May I come along with you and help you aid Sneasler?" Starbind asked.

Ingo chuckled slightly. "You don't have to ask to join me. You're always welcome." he said smiling.

"Thank you. I promise you that Sneasler will be well taken care of and well fed!"

So then the two trainers walked off together... Hand in hand...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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Ingo x Starbind bc I'm a self indulgent buttowipemusWhere stories live. Discover now