Chapter 1

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"Victor. Victor wake up!". This is the sentence I used to hear before my mom was assigned a new future. My mom is a lonely mother, now maybe not, maybe she's dead. She was a really beautiful women, desired by most men. But the man she wanted, was not meant for her. He always  said her hair was soft, her smile was angelic, his eyes were clear blue like proteas and her voice, her magical relaxing voice... He said it was horrifying, and he was all the time insulting this magic part of her. Even though of this, my mother loved him and wanted to be with him. She continued taking care of him, she kept worrying about him coming home late or drinking until he couldn't think. 

She would have lived this for her whole life, she was partly happy. But in this world, no one's happy. I mean, supposedly everyone is because of Destinizer's guides. I wish I could go see my mother, but i'm not allowed to since it's not the future i've been assigned... but i still don't have it. Let me explain myself.

By the time you don't have a future assigned by Destinizer, you can supposedly do whatever you want. But when you don't have much time until you get your "D.O. card" you can't do anything but stay at home and wait for it to arrive. Of course, you can go shopping, but nothing other than that. It's boring. My mother had to experience this two times, or at least that's what i know, which is not a so common thing. People normally get one and specific fate and done. But my mom... she has been assigned two times. 

She was married to my dad, it was a forced, destined marriage. Of course, my mother loved him but she wasn't ready to marry him so quickly. But she accepted, believing she'll be happy the rest of her life. Also, if you get the "D.O. card", it makes you look as you're special, but i think it's not like that. I don't really know what "D.O" means, nobody knows actually, but i came up with "Destined Object". Sounds cruel right? Well, that way you can see i don't really believe in this. Once you're restrained, they say you're special and shit, but then they see you as an object who's not useful at all unless you satisfy their profits. 

Anyways him, he wanted to marry her. He was deeply in love with her and couldn't wait to have kids. Or at least that's what he pretended. Again, this fate provider. When did my dad think it was a good idea to play with someone's feelings like a cat with his tail? But he did, and no one can change that. So for a long time, he had been pretending he loved her but he couldn't give much attention to her with the excuse that he was busy. That's before i was born. 

When i was a baby, not even spending a year in this cruel inappropriate world, exactly one month after the 4th of July, my dad started leaving the house again and leaving my mom alone taking care of me. Nobody knew where he went, but when he returned home late at night, he would demand for dinner. He was able to do as he pleased because he was a member of the Destinizer family. My mother, still believing in Destinizer's choices, she obeyed every single thing he said. Even if she was sad, tired, exhausted, hadn't had enough sleep, etc, she did what he said. Every night it was the same, but she was still happy, i guess. 

There was a little problem. If she was tired, she didn't go outside, so she didn't provide money to Desnitizer's economics department. That didn't help them, so they gave my mother another future. She had to leave to a different country, get married to a different man, live a different life and... she had to leave me behind. I was 3, so i didn't understand anything. That wasn't the last time i saw her, though. 

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