Cool As Fuck

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Everything in the room stopped. The music deepened into my ear drums, my throat collapsed. No words came out "You don't have to worry though, I'm not gonna say anything because you're cool as fuck" he placed his hand on my shoulder.

Did Vanessa tell him? Maybe he suspected it. "What? How do you know?" His lips raised, my heart slowed at his genuine smile. "There's plenty of things we don't know about each other, many secrets" his sentence was cut off by the presence of Shelia, I was confused on what he meant.

"Yo Levi, you got the card let's get some champagne" she tugged at his arm. She was wasted "Shelia the bar is right here" he tried to undo her hands that were placed around his body. Shelias frame leaned against Levi's buff chest "Let's sit you down" he placed her on a chair by Vanessa.

"Oh hi" she threw her a look.

That made me giggle a bit. "I'm gonna go sit but we'll talk later right?" I walked backwards slowly. Waiting for his response "Of course" his attention was back to drunk Shelia.

I made my way back to VIP. Cat was chatting with Prince , I'm guessing she got a few drinks in. Prince was still in his seat, slowly sipping his beer "Great you're back" Cat reached for me but some random man put his hand on my waist.

"Hey mamacita, you wanna dance" Prince's eyes followed this mans action. His jaw tensed and his eyes filled with fire, Cat seemed to be enjoying her time with P so I left the two alone.

"Sure" my lips pursed and eyebrows raised with interest. We hurried to the dance floor, his body moved like water, he was great on his feet and even better with his hands. My body grind his body as my head rested on his shoulder, we glided side to side. I still could feel the heavy weight on Prince and his vision.

"Damn, that's sexy" Miko watched like the rest "Yeah Venus has her spicy side" Cat smirked.

Prince bit his inner cheek, his breath hardened with every movement the man and I did. "Yo P you good?" Miko nudged his arm, breaking him from his zone. He fixed his posture "I'm good" Cat's body pressed against the side of his figure.

"You look angry" Cat rubbed his shoulder, Prince shoved her hand to the side "Can I breath?" His jealousy covered with a thick pile of Anger. He tried to hide "Okay calm down, she didn't do anything. What's your poison?" Miko stood up.

The man turned me as we continued our pattern.

Prince stood up too, close to Miko's face "Don't start" P warned. "Or what?" Miko set his beer on the glass table that was placed in the middle of the square. Soon Prince pushed Miko as a fight broke out. The two were at it like tigers fighting over prey "Woah woah" everyone backed up.

Me and the man stopped dancing, I ran to the booth. "What the hell is going on?" Cat speeded towards me "I don't know they got into an argument" bouncers and security ran to the booth like everyone else. Attempting to break the fight "Break it up you two" a buff man in black pushed the two away.

Miko gasped for air, Prince seemed Unphased. He stormed off, giving me a dirty look in the process.

"What the hell happened?" Everyone went back to what they were doing. The DJ played the record again, "He seemed pissed, I asked if he was okay and Cat too, he gave Cat an attitude and I defended" He wiped the blood that dripped from his lip & nose.

"Yeah he was just trying to defend me. It was like he was angry at someone. Threw me off" Cat tossed herself on the sofa, I took a
breath. Why the hell would he be mad? I did nothing to him nor did anyone else.

It was getting late.
We were hungry, pissed and tired. Prince drove off somewhere and Shelia was still drunk and half asleep. Levi had left somewhere with Vanessa and the rest of the crew watched others have the fun we were supposed to have.

"You guys, it's late and I'm tired. I think I'm gonna go" Cat agreed. We gathered our things before heading towards the exit, a cool breeze blowed towards us. It was far more better than the hot steamy air in the club we sat in for 2 hours.

"Im sorry Prince acted the way he did" Cat and I walked synced. She held my hand, she and I became closer each time we talked. "It's fine, I don't know man. It was like this sudden burst of anger." That seemed familiar. When my dad got jealous of the man that gave a glance at my mother he'd try to hide it but it was no good, He would just get angry.

It wasn't till I was a teen when I realized that's the reason he was so defensive. Because he truly loved her, although they aren't good parents they are good lovers.

"I don't know either, maybe he had a bad day?" She shrugged. The walk to her car wasn't very far, long enough for us to have a 20 second conversation.

We got her car, we sat in silence for a few seconds before she turned the key to start it up.

"You know we should hang out more, we make a badass girl team" we both laughed. The only good part of the night was the part we're we shared small stories in the car ride home. My makeup was runny and my mascara was smudged, it looked like I got in a fight with a black marker.

My feet were blistered and my dress was sticking to my body.

Cat pulled to Levi's place. I told her this morning that the reason I was staying was because my house was getting renovated, it was a good enough lie to hold for a small amount of time. "Good night girl, I'll talk to you tomorrow" I opened the cars door, exiting the vehicle.

"Same" she blew a kiss and I did the same back.

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