Venus in Maine

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   I wrote this in 4th grade so please enjoy! This was my first draft, but my teacher said there were too many words. Next chap is the final version!!

   It was all happy and I was going to start 6th grade until Dad got promoted. Both my sister and I felt mixed feelings. We were happy for Dad and unhappy about the move. For Dad's promotion, we had to come all the way from beautiful and sunshiny California to cold, snowy Maine.

Dad had tried to comfort us, but I still felt hollow and alone in this new state. It was a humongous move.

I was finished with moving boxes, so I strolled outside our house. The chilly Maine wind came to greet me. I regretted opening the door, pondering about what I would do next as I felt my temperature drop. Shivering, I pulled my collar up in decision to walk further. I soon found a wooden gate and read the sign- "Go Lions!" Under the sign were fifteen signed names, probably the people of the place. Pushing the gate, I found a wooded area. Suddenly interested, I walked forward and forgot the numbness of the unforgiving cold. After some time, I found that there was a clubhouse. I continued up the snowy deck and knocked. The door was opened by a 14-year-old boy. He looked at me and cleared his throat. "Welcome to the Lions club! What is your name?"

Hello, I'm Venus Overtons and I want to be a member." How fun this would be, to meet everyone. The boy looked confused and shut the door right in my face! I was so shocked that I stood a few moments there, staring at the door. I was going to leave this strange place when the door opened again. This time, it seemed like every club child had joined him. "Hi!" I greeted them. "Venus Overtons." The children stared at me and then burst out laughing. I looked around, confused.

"What are you wearing?!" A club member wrinkled his nose.

"He wants to join our club?" another club member said.

"Venus OVERTONS? You're definitely over tons," snickered a club member.

"A mouse! We're Lions!" another boy spat at me. The children started chanting "Won't ever need a MOUSE!" Their words slashed me like sharpened swords. But if the children were trying to anger me, it wasn't working. I kept calm. The chanting group became a mob and chased me, so I had to run all the way home.

Later that night, my sister informed me that she got in the club of Lions. She was very excited, but I was confused. I started to think. Lila is skinny while I am an "overton". She is more outgoing; I'm shy. Lila has golden hair, but I have "mouse" hair. No wonder they wouldn't accept me. But remember, I told myself, the person who is really beautiful has a golden heart, not a face. I faced the mirror. "I am NOT a mouse. I won't give up, no matter what they say." Still, I wasn't too sure about it. I flopped onto my bed and sighed.

The next day, I went for a walk in the bright sunshine when the clubhouse members approached me. I spotted Lila, who was obviously shocked, but trying to play it cool. "Hello, Venareyougoingaway!" A member smirked as he name called and the rest burst into laughter. There was no name calling to me that went as deep, but the angrier I got, the more vulnerable I appeared, so I stayed calm.

The boy tried to anger me, but when I was not reactant, he got annoyed. Then the boy, grinning, informed me that their next meeting would be tomorrow with hot cocoa, marshmallows, and A FIREPLACE. "Everyone's invited but YOU!" Lila seemed to look pitiful as she followed them. Whatever they said, I thought, I would be there so I could be revealing my true colors, not just my appearance.

When I got home, a fight struck.

"I wish you weren't my brother," spat Lila. I ran out of the house, onto the streets, and to the mudflats. I had no one to mollify me, since my parents were too busy for clubhouses.


It was very cold, so I decided to wear warm clothing. As I entered the clubhouse territory, I remembered the meeting. I walked to the window and saw Lila near the fire, and bitterness leaped to me. After a while, all the members went upstairs, leaving the fire alone. Shocked at their ignorance, I debated whether or not to tell them. A huge wave of urgency clouded me. I should go in, I thought, so I opened the door. The fire roared and in a few moments, I was perspiring. I ran out and came back with an armful of ice and dropped it on the entrance, hoping to put the fire out there. Time was running, so I stepped into the burning house. Then I heard a voice in my head.

They've done horrid things to you! You can't possibly be helping them! it said.

You can't let your sister DIE in there! countered another voice. Though they've covered you with some loath, it's inhumanly to let them burn~

I felt dizzy listening to this heated argument. My head was as hot as a fever. I rushed in without thinking and evacuated the members, who were shocked and scared.

I noticed that Sid was missing.

I started to navigate my way through the fire and heard a frightened voice.

"HELP! I'M IN HERE! HELP!" Sid cried.

I was jumping over a log when I missed my footing and burnt my hand. After another burning and a few coughs, I finally found Sid. I gasped after seeing his difficult position: Sid was trapped by a burning log.

"Sid-," I coughed."-remember, you're the leader of the Lions. They mustn't be afraid- So jump!" I yelled. Sid backed away, ran, and leaped impressively over the flaming log. We tried to go to the entrance, but the fire was in the way. I spotted an untouched table and lifted it. Making sure that the table was covering us, I charged, and we crashed out of the house. The table hit something hard, and I collided into it. I let the table go and heard clapping. Turning around, I saw the whole neighborhood, parents and children, applauding. In the background adults were putting out the fire. Lila walked out of the cheering crowd and apologized. "Sorry I let you down Venus. I should have supported you. But things did turn out all right!"

"Yes, Lila. Truce? And I forgive you," I beamed as Lila smiled.

"You are welcome to our club," Sid said. "Want to?" He grinned as I nodded. "Let's go!"

The next hour, a new name was added on the sign. I was proud to see Venus Overtons.

The club members and some parents build a better clubhouse; the old one was left behind for my memory. I smiled to the sun and thought, Maine isn't so bad after all.

Sid ran up to me and we sprinted to the clubhouse.

I gasped in surprise after I saw the clubhouse. It was much better!

James offered me a cup of hot chocolate. "Want some?"

"Only if you don't burn the house down again," I replied seriously.

Everyone laughed and felt comfortable by the fire.


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