Chapter 1: Memories

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"I remember that day like it was yesterday, me and my brother training as our mother watched us from the window...The sound was like a big cracking noise coming from underneath our town. I remember my brother asking me, "What was that, brother?" I replied, "I'm not sure, maybe an earthquake or something." Then all of a sudden we heard people screaming, even yelling from a distance; Me and my brother went to go check what was going on in the middle of town hall until my brother tripped on something or someone. When I went to go and pick him up, I realized he was all wet until I looked down and saw dark red all over's blood. I looked down at my hand with a speechless facial expression and looked back at my brother until we heard people screaming from a distance. So our pace quickened, but as we turn the corner of the street I couldn't believe my eyes...people left and right were being murder by this things. They had no eyes but a lot of teeth and six legs that made them move faster but they call them " Bhetzal", they come from the gates of hell; they are one of the deadliest creatures alive. When the stories say that Satan set foot on the earth...he did but he also opened portals that led all the way to hell itself. As he did that, he released very deadly creatures that love eating humans but sometimes most of them like to hunt us down for support. As we both stood there...watching people getting eaten and killed, we just both couldn't move but me more. I was frozen like a cat freezing up in the winter; my brother tried to shake me so I could regain myself but I didn't. I just stood there until he called out my name but once he did that... one of the creature's heard him and came running towards us. I remember it, running towards me but then a flash of light... There was red all over me; I finally came to it and I saw my brother Axis on the ground but not moving so I slowly moved quietly towards him to see if he was okay. Once I got to him... he was just laying there, no movement but shallow breathing like he was injured; once I turned him over he had a gash in his right side of his hip and the bleeding was not stopping. I placed both of my hands on his hip to try my best to stop the bleeding but it was too late, he lost so much blood I couldn't save him... he then whispered to me "You must leave this place and take mom with you...promise me that, protect our mother... go.. now Axel...I'll distract them... so you and mother can get out of here on horseback. But whatever you do...don't look back... just keep riding." He gave me a soft pat and a smile but he had the loudest scream, it got the Bhetzal attention that they all ran towards Axis; I ran to get our mother out the village before they kill us next. As me and our mother were running out of the village... I slowly looked back and I saw Axis being torn apart by these creatures that I hate with my heart... they took away my home... my brother, as I saw what they were doing I started to cry softly and my heart broke when I saw what happened to my brother Axis. After the day happened my mother end up getting sick from a broken heart from losing Axis, I had no choice but to have a widow watch her as I go and find work to do so I can get money to get medicine until some gentleman came up to me and asked "If I fought before"; I said "yes". He then told me to follow him and yet I did but once I did I was no longer in the slums but where all the perfect people lived. He led me to the Kingdom of Asuna where the royal family lived. I was confused at first then I realized I was gonna join the royal army and yes indeedI enjoy the army. I first was a soldier but then became commander of the biggest army in the whole kingdom. I led my man into battle with the Bheztal and the hybrid demons and everytime we go into battle there is something weird about how much they mutate over time when they are fighting us. But I found a way to beat them even though we lost a lot of men during the battle but I always honor them by telling their families what a wonderful warrior they were because it was just the right thing to do as a commander of my fleet. But one day I was called to the king and queen for an important mission they were gonna send me on alone, I was confused until they explained why...

The Queen: " My good sir commander Axel, we have a mission for you to attend to but by yourself."

Axel: "Yes my queen, What is the mission I have to go on." kneeling down

The King: " It is a rescue mission." looking down at him

Axel: " What rescue mission? Who needs to be recused?" Looking up at them both

The Queen: "It's our son, Joseph? He left with his army and never came back and ever since then we...we think he might be dead or captured." The queen started to weep.

Axel: "Prince Joseph? He still hasn't returned...That's impossible! My lady and my king, I will do everything to help you get your son back." standing up

The Queen: "P..please Axel, he is our only child we have." covering her face

Axel: "I won't let you down." bowing

The King: "The last he was since he was heading west from here because was trying to locate the place where these beast's were coming from, there you must go but go all alone."

Axel: "Then I shall leave tomorrow morning, to locate Prince Joseph's steps." going to walk off

The King: "One more thing before you go, take this amlet. This will show you the way in the darkness when you reach that horror place." holding him the amlet.

Axel: "I will hold it close to me, as long as I live." grabbing it and bowing once more.

As Axel grabbed the amlet, he gave one more bow and left the throne room to get ready for his mission he had to go all by himself. By the break of dawn, he left the castle on horseback and continued heading west where they last saw the prince leave with his army and never return. As we were heading that way he was hoping that the prince is alright and not badly hurt or maybe worse...dead.

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