Operation: N.I.G.E.L.

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Sweat dripped down his forehead as he ran through the destroyed base. His brain throbbing against his skull, ringing in his ears that he ignored. Blindness tempted his entire body, a tired notion to stop fighting, tempting him with every step he took. He had experienced a lot in his short eleven years of living, and he could proudly state that it had been one of the best years of his life.

But beauty and peace didn't last forever, as he was currently in a warzone. Fighting on the frontline as one of the only sane survivors standing. His very own grandfather was the one who orchestrated the madness that he was suffering through. But even then, even as he knew that nothing was his fault, he took the blame.

So that is why he was running. His boots were already malfunctioning, having kissed the floor earlier when his rocket boots failed. His body suffered from the fatigue that nourished through the battlefield. Everything was pointless, an act of anger and vain started this catastrophe. And it was up to him, Nigel Uno, to stop the madness that his grandfather, ironically being called Grandfather by everyone else, had started.

"I need to get to the control panel to activate the decommissioning chamber…" His words rang through the destroyed corridors. His eyes wandered through every inch of the place, hoping and praying to every divinity that there was no zombie around him. He actually didn't even know what to catalog their enemy as, because they aren't dead but acted just like zombies. "Numbuh Zero is-"

His words stopped, his legs growing tired as he looked to the side. His blue eyes looked in wonder as he completely stopped in front of the capsule in front of him. It was strange, a label of their Galactic counterpart, the elites of their group, was plastered at the side of the capsule. In a mysterious wonder, Nigel activated the capsule. And what awaited him was something he could only guess had been for him from the get go.

Golden vizor shined brightly as the red looking quartz formed the helmet-like weapon. A red a black armor with a hexagonal chest plate and black combat boots that looked just like his own emerged from the capsule. It was mind numbing, with Numbuh One, Nigel's operative codename, only being able to watch in amazement.

"Greetings, Numbuh One" Nigel looked to the side, watching as a hologram of a kid appeared out of nowhere. His eyes scanned through the area, his frantic paranoia increasing rapidly. "It has come to our understanding that you are one of our last operative members on Earth's Sector. And we, from the Galactic Sector, have commissioned these weapons for you" Nigel gulped, his eyes glancing back at the weapons in question. He had to admit that they looked beautiful, almost perfect for him. "We would have done more, but even we are being limited to certain operations here on the Galactic base" Nigel nodded, a frown adorning his face as he watched the kid from the hologram sigh. He could understand why they were not sending help, they feared that if they sent someone, they would all get invaded and also get infected by Grandfather's powers. "We wish you the best of luck, Numbuh One. Save the Earth"

Nigel looked as the hologram disappeared, his head looking straight at the gift he had received from the Galactic Kids Next Door. He then felt a hand over his shoulder, making him look back. But he found nothing, just an empty space. So he ignored the feeling and looked back again at the weapons at hand. He finally had a second option, an option that would not take Numbuh Zero from their side. The Kids Next Door needed every single help they could get. And thinking like a leader, he was unable to let his team sacrifice themselves if he was unable to do so as well.

"Look out, Grandfather…" Nigel began to approach the weapons, his hand being pocketed for a brief second as he dragged out an hexagonal plate with the number one inscribed on it. The plate was given to every single operative, with others deciding to not use it or having it in different accessories like Numbuh Two's beanie. He clenched at his own plate, placing it on the hexagonal area of the armor, activating it. "Because there's no going back now"

Codename: Kids Next Door - Operation: N.I.G.E.L.Where stories live. Discover now