You okay?

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The pounding of my heart is all I can hear, along with my laboured breathing and Matron's yells. Running amongst a massive crowd, I hop the fence and run into a black room. It was amazing, LEDs hung around on the walls. Wait, is this what Vidcon is like? It's nice, that's for sure. People still bustle around, shoving me to the side. Matron was gone, thankfully, and I had time to just look about. Looking around, I see some of my favourite youtubers and influencers. I see Thomas Sanders posing with Daz Black, his daughter taking the photo. They laugh and smile together, I smile as I watch. It just makes me think of my brother, Lewis. I shake those feelings away as they part, staring at them. My glasses where steamed a little because I had shoved them in my pocket, rushing to get away from her.

"Hey, we lost Matr- What are you staring at?" Lewis walks up behind me, patting my shoulder. 

"What? Nothing." He raises an eyebrow, "Okay fine, them." I gesture to the now alone Daz, Lewis smiles.

"Go talk to him, he's lovely. Trust me." 

"Okay, but you have to hide while I do. Y'know, just in case." We do our handshake and I say, "Hasta la vista, baby!" 

Slowly, I make my way over to Daz. He was sat down, on his phone. He wore some of his merch, the hat and shirt, along with some jeans that fit him perfectly. The shirt was black and pink, the same as his shirt. Suddenly, I'm shoved to the floor by some 20 year old. He laughs in my face, when I try to get up, he shoves me down again. Telling me that I'm pathetic and weak, panic fills me. Tears well in my eyes, I force them away but they keep falling. Two hands grab me and pull me away, another voice cuts the man off. Someone pulls me into their chest as I shiver violently, they shush me and are gentle with me. 

"It's okay, your okay." Wait a minute, I recognise that voice. Opening my eyes, I see it's Daz whose helping me. The men had left, it was just him and I. On the floor.

"Have they gone?" Is all I can produce, he nods. Getting up, I give him a hand up. He grunts a little, "It's nice to meet you, I'm George but my friends call me Geo."

"Pleasure to meet you, George." Realisation hits me, I remember who I'm talking to. Oh my god, Daz Black just helped me. A celebrity helped me! Holy shit! He ruffles my hair a bit, I put my glasses back on. 

Suddenly, a hand is placed on my shoulder. Spinning me around, Matron leans down to my face height. Well, fuck. Daz puts his hand on my other shoulder, I feel a verbal tug of war is about to happen. Over me? Leo comes out of his, very good, hiding spot, shrugging to me. 

"Excuse me but who the hell are you?" Matron rudely asks Daz, he senses an argument coming and seems prepped.

"I'm Daz Black, who the hell are you?"

"I'm Matron Sheila Karen, his legal owner. This... thing.... is mine."

"I don't think so, this is my nephew Marcus Greene. I'm looking after him for the foreseeable future while his parents are in Barbados." I click into his acting, he's good.

"I still can't believe Mum went without me, it's-" 

"Be quiet, boy!" Matron yells to me, eyeing Daz.

"Don't tell my nephew to be quiet!" He yells, "You know what? We're leaving you and your crazy ass." He takes my hand, gently holding it while we walk off.

"Come back here, George." She yells, we stop.

"His name isn't George, Karen. I told you we aren't the ones your looking for, okay? Just move on." 

"What is his name then?"

"Jim, well James but y'know... Jim is easier. Jim Wootton." Daz yells, opening the door. I walk through and he follows, clearing his throat, "Nice shirt. Sorry, when people are arguing, I do my best to lighten the mood after."

"It's okay, I do it too." Smiling, we chuckle, "Where do we go?"

"Why don't you come round? We can talk about what we are going to do there, where we have some privacy." He opens his car door, I hesitate, "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything bad. I promise." He puts one hand on his heart, I decide to get in. He smiles, so do I. 

He drives carefully, like he's just learned or something. I wasn't too bothered though, at least he's careful and I know he wont get us killed. He puts on the radio, it begins to play 'Another One Bites The Dust' by Queen. We both exchange the same look of happiness, both distracted from Matron by a song. We take it in turns to sing a verse, laughing as we did.

"Steve walks warily down the street. With the brim pulled way down low. Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet. Machine guns ready to go!" Daz starts, I smile.

"Are you ready, hey, are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat? Out of the doorway the bullets rip, to the sound of the beat!" Then we both sing together, the chorus making us both smile.

"Another one bites the dust, Another one bites the dust. And another one gone, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust. Hey, I'm gonna get you, too. Another one bites the dust!" Smiles on both our faces, Daz taps him finger on the wheel and I drum on my knees. We both dance as best we can in the car, he snaps his fingers and I clap my hands. For that moment, I was happy. Happy to have some freedom to enjoy life, freedom to be myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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