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We had met in fifth grade. But he never really paid attention to me until sophomore year once him and Maddy started dating. And I never knew why he paid such close attention to me when he had a girlfriend but I was too shy to say something back then.

My mom, she never liked the attention that I got from him because not only did he have a girlfriend but because of the fact I've never gotten male attention before. And some part of her thought that it would only be the occasional stares or the way he flashed his smiles, or how he quote on quote "respected" my space, but little did she know, or should I say little did I know, that it would come to this...


My breath hitched as he gave me one last kiss before collapsing on the bed next to me.

Nate: Fuck Y/N

I smiled to myself as I got up and slipped on one of his t-shirts. He watched my every move as I put each leg through my pantie holes, only to look up to see a smirk spread across his face and the rain streaming down his windows.

Y/N: What are you looking at?

Nate: That's none of your concern.

He gazed at how my body fit in his shirt as he placed his arm under his head and ran his other hand down his stomach, the blanket barely covering his dick, his v line deeply visible, his hair messy. He knew exactly what he was doing.

I rolled my eyes as I began to grab my clothes.

Nate: Where do you think you're going?

Y/N: Home

He sat up and got out of bed. Completely naked, he walked towards me, his body towering over mine. He lifted up my chin, his lips nearly touching mine as he stared into my eyes.

Nate: Who said you can leave?

He knew he had a power over me, but he also knew I had a power over him.

Y/N: I did

He lifted his hand up towards my face ever so gently and ran his thumb over my bottom lip as he stared at it

Nate: Please stay...

He switched his focus from my lips to my eyes, and that reason only made me give in. I pulled away from his touch and set my clothes on his desk chair as he got back in bed. He slowly rubbed and patted his lap.

Nate: Come here

He initiated that he wanted me to sit on his lap but I like to play hard to get. I walked towards him and only sat on the edge of the bed next to him

Nate: I said come here

He grabbed my arm and violently pulled me into his lap, our faces inches apart

Nate: When I tell you to do something, you fucking do it

Y/N: I do whatever the fuck I want

He clenched his jaw as his grip on my hips got tighter. He stayed silent, which at some points scared me, but then he smirked and whispered.

Nate: I love you

I smiled

Y/N: I love you

He sat up against the head board as he rested his hands on my hips and I wrapped my arm around his neck and my hand behind his head, running my fingers through his hair. He examined my face and whispered.

Right Here- Nate JacobsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ