chapter one

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"G-gon not so fast" killua moaned out as his boyfriend trusted into him. Killua dug his nails into gons back as he felt himself slowly go limp. Gon pulled killua on top of him, killua threw his arms to Gon's shoulders for support."Ahh~"Killua moaned bobbing up and down as He felt Gon's dick go deeper inside him."you sure you want me to? You seem to be enjoying it"Gon stated with an undertone voice. Killua lost in loud moaning and pleasure didn't respond.

A few hours earlier

"Yeah, make his lazy ass get up and do something"killua joked as kurapika got on to Gon. "Killua-.- this goes for you to" he stated."haha!" Gon laughed now not being the only one in trouble.
"You guys are 16 years old you don't need me telling you to clean up"kurapika went on"Hey im 17! don't compare Us in age" gon argued "That doesn't help your case idiot"killua told gon receiving a small glare. Kurapika sighed"Im going to pick leorio up from work ill be back in a bit" he mumbled disappointed."Your the idiot you make me cut your hair because your to scared to let someone else" gon teased and killua let out a small gasp"you wouldn't understand, if my hair looked like yours i would probably act the same way" killua said and rolled his eyes. They went on for a bit not even acknowledging the fact kurapika left. Killua left the livingroom
And went to his bedroom. He sat on his bed and went on his phone. "I guess pika left." Gon said as he walked in killua's room. Killua looked up at gon."oh, he probably went shopping" killua said, he looked back at his phone. "That gives us the house for a few hours then, right?" Gon asks. Killua's face turns a light shad of red. He looked up to gon with a small smirk. Gon chuckled, he lightly pushed the door behind him and walked over to killua.

"Thanks for picking me up again, I should be able to get my car tomorrow"leorio thanked kurapika as he got in the car." Of course I don't mind it at all, how was work?" Kurapika asked as he drove off."It was ok, surprisingly not a lot of people came in today" leorio went on talking about his day, soon they returned back to their house. Leorio stepped out the car and stretched. "Do you have all your things?" Kurapika asked leorio and he closed his door."mhm" leorio hummed in response closing his door as well. He locked the Car then they both left to go inside.

Leorio opened the door for them and they both walked in. leorio walked to the kitchen and places his bags down with a sigh."another day of work ..done" He tells his self. Kurapika laughs."It you um hear something?.."leorio stops his sentence to ask, Then kurapika listens."I's coming from up stairs. It might be the boys" kurapika says, leorio confused follows the noise walking upstairs, Him and kurapika make it upstairs seeing killuas bed room door creaked open

Leorio stepped infront of kurapika pushing him back a bit as He barged into Killua's room."WHAT THE FUCK?!" Leorio yelled glaring at Gon and Killua. Killua stumbled off Gon turning around to see their shocked expressions, Gon sat up shocked as well."YO-. Leorio tried to yell. But Kurapika pulled him out the room slamming the door shut. "Get covered up then living room immediately!" Kurapika yelled disappointed. Leorio and kurapika yelled back and forth as kurapika pulled him down stairs.

"Fuck fuck fuck no- WHY DIDN'T YOU LOCK THE DOOR YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Killua Yelled to gon As He Started To Panic."Don't yell at me its not like i knew they would walk in!"Gon Told Killua With A Louder Tone. He Was Panicking as well and couldn't focus with all the yelling.

Gon Let out a quick aggravated Sighed Then turned To Killua. "It's going to be ok, calm down alright?" Gon told killua and he nodded his head in response. "Lets get dressed and deal with this.. Hey maybe kurapika and Leorio will both be gay and kinda supportive."Gon laughed trying to lighten the mood, Even though it took no effect to killua."I-i really don't want to i don't think i can even face them."Killua told Gon with stress in his voice."Im hear with you. You got this" Gon told killua. And with that he got up and ready to go down stairs to talk.

Our Secret           "Gonkillu"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ