Chapter 1: Fairy Tail Law Firm

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Hello, fellow anime freaks. 'Tis me, your NerdOfLegends23. Welcome to my Fairy Tail fanfiction. This is told from Levy's point of view in third person, but if you are interested, head over to my sister's account, @LostSoulSister, to read Gajeel's point of view. It goes on a different timeline so you won't get bored with us. Anyway, enjoy!

Levy'd like to say that she had a pretty good life. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't hit the occasional bump in the road. And after college, she had assumed that life would just be smooth sailing.

She was wrong.

Dead wrong.

She had been hired for her dream job. She had tried to study too many languages to count. But in the end, she had only been able to become fluent in six. She had to say, being able to speak English, Japanese, Spanish, French, Latin, and Greek gave her a pretty good start. And she supposed her undying love for learning had been a big part of getting hired at Fairy Tail Law Firm. Sure, working at a law firm wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but it was a start. Hopefully one day she could move onto translating books and score a job at some big- shot publishing company.

The morning of her first day at work, Levy shot out of bed faster than anyone in the history of ever. She had taken a shower the night before, but still not feeling clean enough, she jumped into the shower once again to get ready for her fresh start. She quickly- yet carefully- brushed her short blue hair and put on her brand- new suit- a professional navy blue pencil skirt and blazer with a creme blouse. Cursing her short height, she put on a pair of black heels and struggled to walk out of her bedroom door. She threw on her signature headband and a couple of bracelets before heading out of her apartment. She was too nervous for breakfast, no matter how bad she knew skipping it was.

She started her white electric car and, once again cursing her short height, struggled to adjust her seat so she could reach the pedals. Her brother had borrowed it the day before to go out with some friends, and unlike her, was not the staggeringly small five feet. Levy loved her family to death, but she hated how she was the only one who couldn't reach the top cabinet in the kitchen without climbing onto the counter. She was a grown woman stuck in a twelve- year old's body. Oh, how she hated recessive genes.

She turned on the radio and raised the volume on her favorite station. She was not about to start her first day in a foul mood. As she drove to work, she hummed along to the music and daydreamed about the people she would meet, the friends she would make, and the promotions she might gain. Not that she could go any higher than the head translator, but it pleasant daydream all the same.

None of her daydreams were anything like what she was about to face when she opened those glass doors.

Levy had become even cheerier when she had seen "Fairy Tail" in big red letters at the top of the tall building, not letting the fact that it made her feel even shorter get to her. Next to the letters was a symbol, still red, of what she assumed to be a leaping fairy with a tail. It was very abstract, but she gave the designer credit for creativity. It was a lovely symbol, and it gave her some sense of pride in her new workplace. Levy didn' t know why a fairy with a tail would symbolize a law firm seeking justice, and she figured she would never know. She just simply shrugged and pushed open the doors to her future.

And man, what a crazy future that turned out to be.

She smiled when she saw the friendly purple- haired receptionist, Kinana. She had been so helpful to her when she had come in for her job interview, and she hoped that they would become good friends. She looked a bit tired this particular morning, so she made sure to address her with an extra touch of politeness.

Love Doesn't Translate WellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora