Chapter 1-

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"When is he coming" I say rubbing my arms

"Soon" Custer says

"Well you said soon 20 minutes ago so" I grunt looking at him

"Faye will u tell ur sister to shut up" Custer snaps

Faye looks over at me rolling her eyes "shhh" she says

I fucking hate faye's boyfriend. Just as i am about to make a remark against Custer a car pulls up.

"Here he is"  Custer says

"Remind me again why i had to come to this" I say

They ignore me.
The car stops and a guy gets out of the car.

"who tf is this man" The guy says to Custer

"Hi" faye says in her usual slow voice "i'm faye"

I look at the guy and then move my eyes to the person in the passenger seat. It's a guy, about my age but with face tattoos. Who has face tattoos at my age? the guy looks back at me Also surprised to see someone his age.
Custer walks to the back of the car with The guy. They whispers together.

Custer looks over at us "faye!" he says "in the car"

"okay" faye says bored
faye takes my hand and we walk over to the car and get in. There's a girl about 17 16 in the backseat. i smile at her.

"y'all just please stay in the car" The guy custer was talking to says "no fucking funny business" he looks over at the boy my age "let's go"

He gets out of the car and the Guys all walk up the stairs of the motel.

I look over at the girl.

"i'm faye" faye says

"y/n" i half smile

"i'm uh rue" The girl says holding out her fist to fist bump me

"so how's your new years going" rue says to us

"goo-" i begin to say

"it's fucking new years?" Faye says

"yeah" i say looking at her confused

"i believe so" Rue says

"i swear my boyfriend doesn't tell me anything" faye says

i role my eyes "shut up faye" i say "how's your year been"

"not um amazing" Rue says

"why?" Faye says

"uh my girlfriend" Rue says "at the fucking train station, she left me. Straight up"

"she left you at a fucking train station" I say frowning

"what a cunt" faye says

"yeah i was like crying" Rue says

"shit" i say

Then i hear that familiar click noise. I role me eyes. Faye's opens that stupid fucking case of smack.

Regrettably Attached- Ashtray fanficWhere stories live. Discover now