and i wanna cry.

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does it hurt? of course it does. however, if you were to ask changmin, he would tell you that isnt the case.

over these past few years, hes grown too skilled at hiding what was the truth. in the beginning, his eyes burned with jealousy and anger boiled in his veins- but its so much different now.

a lot of things have been different ever since hyunjae has come around.

juyeon was supposed to be his, only his. behind curtains, he still is. they still cry in one anothers arms, they still cling to one another beneath storming skies, and yet everything feels so different.

because hyunjae. hyunjae was the reason of it all, the reason why changmin can feel his heart split in two.

juyeon isnt cheating, no. how could it ever be his dear juyeons fault? hyunjae is just too persuasive, the damn witch.

" itll be fine, its only for the fans. " what a lie. changmin never fell for it, but hyunjae knows how to play with gullible people like juyeon.

so many times. so many times, he had tried to warn juyeon, but he never believed him. he was too entranced.

and so, he sits from afar now. hes merely part of their audience he wonders if he stands out to them, with liquid salt leaking from his eyes and dripping off of his chin.

but then again, theyre in love, what would ever be so special about him?

BUT I SANG THEM ALL TO ANOTHER HEART | jukyu.Where stories live. Discover now