River of Tears

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This will be a one chapter story so yeah sorry if longer than your liking. This will also mainly be written in Giyuu or Mitsuri's point of view unless I choose to write in 3rd person.

3rd person P.O.V

Mitsuri fell to her knees, her lungs burning as she inhaled sharply.

Her vision was spotty and all she could see was was the towering figure of Muzan Kibutsuji walking towards her.

She tried to stand up but her knees only caved under her as she choked up blood.

'Dammit! I can't die here! Not yet! I still have time-' Mitsuri's thoughts were cut off as she let out a pained scream.

She looked down at what caused the intense amount of pain in her chest, her eyes widened as more blood pooled out of her mouth.

She had been stabbed through the chest by a tentacle looking thing.

'Why? Why can't I be strong enough?' She thought as the tendril was violently ripping out of her as blood began gushing out of her wound.

Flashback to a few weeks prior.

Mitsuri's P.O.V

I had just gotten back from a mission as I sat on the bathroom floor in my estate.

Bloody tissue surrounded me as I leaned over the toilet violently coughing up blood clots as my eyes pricked with tears.

My throat felt painfully sore from coughing, my lungs burning leaving me with the familiar feeling I've grown used to.

I leaned back and flushed the toilet.
I wiped away any blood that got on my lip and chin.

'I should visit Shinobu.' I thought while picking up and throwing away the tissue and wobbly standing up.

Next Day [Still Flashback]

I sat patiently as Shinobu looked at me. She held her usual smile but her eyes looked disappointed.

"Mitsuri. . ." She spoke my name softly.
"This isn't good. You're not good. I'm surprised you're not lying in this bed hooked to a machine to breathe."

I looked down in shame. "Is it that bad?" I asked quietly.

I could hear Shinobu sigh.
"It's more than bad. You should retire from this line of work. You're practically speeding up your death day."

I went to say something but doubled over in a fit of coughing.

"I can't retire. Not yet, we're so close to defeating Kibutsuji I can't just stop."
I could feel Shinobu's hand on my head as I looked back at her.

"This is more than defeating Kibutsuji. I've seen the way you look at Tomioka-san."

I felt heat rise on my cheeks and ears.

"Mitsuri, you should tell him before it's too late."
She moved and sat next to me.

"You're gonna either die from your lungs finally giving out or you're going to die because a demon got the best of you and then you won't get another chance to share your feelings with him."
Shinobu spoke with a sad smile.

End of flashback

3rd person P.O.V

'I guess Shinobu was right. I'm gonna die without telling Tomioka my feelings.' Mitsuri let out a broken laugh as she laid in a warm pool of her own blood.

The blood was warmer than she thought as she let a few tears stream down her face.

She watched a figure approaching her very quickly. She wondered if it was Muzan coming back to finish her off.

River of Tears [KNY ANGST] | GIYUMITSUWhere stories live. Discover now