Part 1

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One hundred years ago, the Battle of Yavin took place, becoming history's most influential battle. In the decades that followed, numerous governments rose to power, trying to claim the galaxy for themselves. All have tried and failed, until one rose overall, the Mandalorian Federation. For two thousand years, Mandalore has been yearning for dominance over the galaxy. That time has finally come. In the eight years of its reign, the Federation has claimed the largest area of control in the history of the galaxy. From the entire Outer Rim to the Inner Rim, all are in control of Mandalore. The only resistance shown against them is the Core Triumvirate, which has been fiercely fighting against the Federation.

Ten years have gone by since the Glassing of Raxus. It was a turning point for the Federation. After that, almost none put up a fight against the Federation. Since then, I have been promoted to Grand Admiral of the entire Federation Navy. Sundari has also drastically changed in the ten years. A Galactic Assembly has been established where the systems gather to discuss political action. The Assembly Leader is a man named Hans Eldar, a puppet for Duchess Crane. An official Federation Army has also been established, led by Supreme General Rian Jaxx. How far he's come since being my right man. We've had relative peace across the domain, with no uprisings or revolts against the rule. That's because we are fair to our people and treat them right. There is also, of course, the fear of ending up like Raxus.

The Core Triumvirate is beginning to serve as a threat. After they took back the planet of Kuat, the Triumvirate rallied almost all of the Core Worlds for their cause. After realizing the overwhelming odds, in 98 ABY, the Triumvirate extended an olive branch of peace to the Federation, hoping to coexist peacefully. The Assembly unanimously voted against this, saying that the galaxy as a whole should be for Mandalore. This, of course, was the work of Cynthia, pulling strings and pushing senators in the right direction with "aggressive negotiations." Personally, I couldn't care what goes on in this war. I have reached the peak of my career. Looking back on why I left Mandalore, I find it a poor mistake.

When the Federation was first established, it was thought that the old ways of Mandalore would show through. The ancient Mandalorian ways have been replaced with civility. I would compare the Federation to the Galactic Empire, but we do not enslave, nor make planet destroying weaponry. We simply put peace before hostility. A lot has changed in the last eight years, and it has changed for the best.

Currently, my fleet, the 97th Fleet, patrols the Inner Rim, the closest area to the Triumvirate. Our defenses in this area are more heightened than usual. The Triumvirate has changed its tactics from full-on offensive attacks, to brainwashing the populus. They inspire insurgents to rebel against the Federation. The rebellions are quickly snuffed out, however increasing tensions with the planet Bestine have caused more of a military presence in that sector than usual.

Bestine sits on the Corellian Trade Spine, which leads directly into the heart of the Triumvirate. We have completed blockaded the trade spine, not allowing any ships to pass through our domain, however, the Bestinians are still being fed the lies of the Triumvirate. The claim that we cannot protect them and that if systems follow our government, they will fall to the same fate as Raxus. But what the insurgents don't realize is Raxus fell because it refused our government. Simple cause and effect. We do not glass planets for the hell of it.

I am not with my fleet at the moment. I am in Sundari, attending a War Council meeting with General Jaxx, Assembly Leader Eldar, Special Operations Manager Kryze, and Duchess Crane. We were discussing the implementation of the new trade route the Assembly voted on recently. This route would stretch from Mandalore to Bespin, and straight through the Tion Cluster, uniting the entire Outer Rim under one route. With the Hutt Surrender of 96 ABY, all of Hutt Space has been unconnected and in disarray. This new trade route, the Cronese Way, would let the Hutt territories trade freely with the Federation. However, like all other places in the domain, it is forbidden to trade with or travel to the Core.

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