Joseph John Gribble

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Project 2 Step 4 for EDUC 572 with Keith Sawyer 

*One late summer afternoon, the Hills, Gribble's, Bill Dauterive, and Jeff Boomhaur are relaxing at the Hill house, having a fun summer cookout like they always do on nice days like this. John Redcorn drives by, and sees all the fun they are  having without  him, and sees Joseph smiling at his imposter father, and he cant keep his secret any longer....*

Overcome with a fiery rage, John Redcorn turns his car off in the middle of the road and hops out of the front seat. He slammed the door so hard that it should've alerted everyone at the cookout of his presence, if Willy Nelson wasn't  playing so loudly in  the background. John storms towards the fence and reaches for the handle, and for a split second he wonders as he always does  in these situations; am I doing the right thing? Will Nancy ever forgive me for this? Will Joseph even care? Will this  make me feel better? Usually these thoughts are enough to deter john and send him on his way home, but this time as he turns to leave he can clearly hear Joseph say to Dale Gribble; "You're the best father I could've ever asked for."

"Fuck it"

John throws the fence door open and storms into the Hill's back yard. He halts for a moment as everyone stops and stares at him. They can all tell that something is wrong, that he isn't just there to get a burger and leave. Except for stupid Dale Gribble. John can never tell what that idiot is thinking. His face is expressionless, usually John can read people by their eyes but Dale's dark shades makes it impossible. 

He can see Nancy start towards him, nothing but fear in her eyes. This makes John even angrier, why is she so afraid of the truth? She doesn't love Dale. If she did, she wouldn't have cheated on him for 10 years. Joseph deserves to know the truth, deserves to know about his father, deserves to learn about his culture. In this moment, John didn't care about anything other than telling Joseph the truth. Before Nancy can even get anywhere near him, John yells, in as plain of terms as his possibly can:

"Joseph, Dale Gribble is not your father, I am."

Joseph stares at him for a moment, his eyes turn into slits as he processes what he's just heard. John walks towards the stereo and lowers it to make sure everyone can hear what he's about to say.

"Have you ever wondered why you look nothing like Dale? Why you two have absolutely nothing in common? Do you ever wonder where your mother goes with me for days at a time? There's no such thing as a migraine retreat, Joseph."

John walks towards Joseph, Hank suddenly stands in his path in a sad attempt to protect his best friends. John easily pushes him out of the way, Hank gets weak when he feels guilty. John takes Joseph by the shoulders and turns him around, so he can see both their reflections in the window. 

"Look at us Joseph. Look at our hair, our eyes, our jaw shape. We are the same. I am your father."

Joseph turns to look at John, his eyes filled with what John thinks is bewilderment. John smiles, finally he knows, finally after all these years he can begin to be a father to Joseph. The rest of his life with his son flashes before his eyes as Joseph opens his mouth to reply.

"I know"

John freezes, all he can do is stare at Joseph as his face fills with guilt and sadness. He can feel another hand touch his shoulder.

"We both know" 

John knows this voice as none other as Dale Gribble, he learned to discern his voice from a crowd many years ago. John turns to look at Dale, his face still expressionless, Cigarette still hanging out of his mouth.

"I've known this whole time, I told Joseph as soon as he could understand what I was saying. I kept quiet this whole time because I don't like drama. And even with a cheating wife and a son that isn't biologically mine, this is just about the best life I could've asked for, everyones happy and so am I."

John doesn't really care too much about Dale, or what he said, or what he knows. What he cares about is Joseph. He turns around to face his son.

"You've known for who knows how many years, and you never came to find me? Why, Joseph? I love you, and I want to be a good father to you. Even if you were too shy or scared to tell me before this moment, we can start our relationship now."

John's eyes fill with tears as Joseph takes a step back.

"I'm sorry Mr. Redcorn, but I don't really know you. I already have a dad and he's all I need."

John's mind goes blank. He doesn't really register what Joseph said or the gasps coming from the peanut gallery. All he knows is that he has to leave. He nods to Joseph understandingly, if there's one thing John is going to be, it is respectful of his sons  wishes.

The path to his car clears, he walks briskly away. No one says anything or gets in his way. He gets in his car, turns it on, and heads home. The whole way there, all he can do is hope that one day, Joseph will change his mind.

Joseph John GribbleWhere stories live. Discover now