Anda harus memiliki enam polis asuransi utama dalam portofolio Anda

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 and life are not the only types of available. Experts advise that, depending on one's needs, one should purchase a few more policies in addition to life and health plans to ensure adequate coverage in the event of an emergency.

began to take seriously following the pandemic, to be adequately secured against any financial calamity.

has ripped apart the personal level protection system for any individual wide open," says Supriya Rathi, Wholetime Director, Anand Rathi Brokers. A thorough examination of an individual's protection needs would reveal the urgent need for a systematic approach to preventing financial losses."

However, is not the only type of insurance available. According to industry experts, to be adequately covered against any emergency, one should purchase a few more insurance policies in addition to life and health plans, depending on their needs. Before , the main focused covers were life and , as well as health to some level.

A list of the 'Must Have Covers' in a personal portfolio is as follows:

— Every earning individual with dependents should carry at least this coverage to cover liabilities in the event of his or her untimely death. "Plain vanilla term from a reputable firm with a greater sum assured fulfills all purposes," Rathi explains.

Health — I don't think I need to explain why this is important. According to experts, a framework based on cost and need is the best way to go. must purchase individual with a minimum sum for each family member. This is followed by a family floater policy and, if necessary, an additional top-up. "The structure is designed to keep up with escalating medical costs as people get older. If the initial cost is a problem, Rathi recommends purchasing at least one family floater policy.

Personal Accident — There is always the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima, which helps to cover any losses incurred by the family as a result of an untimely accidental death. Individuals are covered through their Savings A/c. Debit /Credit Card in addition to the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana 2.0 lakhs sum assured for which Rs 12 is debited to bank account annually. However, keep in mind that those come with restrictions, so experts advise it's not a good idea. better to have one individual personal accident policy, depending on one's lifestyle.

Depending on one's lifestyle, it's preferable to get a single personal accident policy.

Home — Whether you live in a rented or owned home, safeguard your home's structure and contents from fire, burglary, and natural disasters. The new standard Gruh Raksha policy, according to Rathi, has several useful and simple aspects. Choosing a policy with a longer-term and attempting to correlate with birthdays/imp dates to recall the renewal.

Data is the next economic unit, according to cyber . Protect our valuable data and information on numerous devices such as mobile phones, computers, handhelds, and cloud storage with our lives interconnected through the internet the minute we wake up. As a result, choose an Individual Cyber policy that protects at least the amount of money in all Bank and Credit Union accounts. all Credit Card Limits.

Motor — Be it 2 wheelers or 4 wheelers, along with the mandatory third-party, experts say one should get a comprehensive motor cover to be properly covered. Also, to have the mandated third-party renewed every year.

Further, Rathi adds, "Depending on one's cash flow assessment, one can either align most of the above in one month to finish off the entire protection process for the year in a period." Limits on all credit cards

Vehicle— Whether driving a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler, experts recommend getting a comprehensive motor policy in addition to the obligatory third-party Also, make sure the required third-party is updated each year.

"Depending on one's cash flow assessment," Rathi continues, "one can either align most of the above in one month to complete the entire year's protection process in a period."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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