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The beat followed through until it ended. By the time I was done writing half of the page was full of lyrics and tweaks. The concept of the song wasn't something I was sure on making but it was different which I love, being different is my destiny.

I brushed over my knuckles. Lightly, brushing my finger tips over my bruises. My brain ran, it went back to last night, Venus's body grinding on some stranger. I'm not in a relationship with nor have we had any sexual intimacy but it was very triggering, I had to get over it. The door bell rang, I made my way down the

"Yo P how've you been?" Levi pulled me in for a slap up. Patting his back, "I've been alright. Come in" I stepped out of the way, allowing him to enter. "So how's that new song coming? Fink wanted to go over it some time this week" we traveled up the stairs and into the studio.

"I'm tweaking some lyrics, I can't show you all of it until it's done, but I can show you a bit" Picasso wouldn't show his paintings half done, I couldn't show my songs half way either.

"Here's how I want each beat to be played" I showed him the melody. Each key and beat I could picture in my head, a beautiful crowd of people singing to my song. A song many can relate to, male or female, old or young. We nodded our head lightly, Enjoying the sounds of each note every instrument hit.

"Damn P this is good" I laughed. Levi was always my hype man. "Thanks, I'm planning on preforming it at the Rock & Blues festival next week" The Rock & Blues festival came to Minneapolis every year. Being an up and coming artist this festival was a great opportunity to get the people to know you better.

"Dude, we have too!" Levi exclaimed.

This had been the 6th shot I made in just one round. I dribbled the ball, mocking Levi as I jogged around him. "Damn P, you're too good" he complimented "I know" I dunked behind him.

Levi backed away from the net. He reached for the ball as he dribbled towards the other side of the court "Why'd you beat Miko's ass?" He passed the ball to me "I didn't beat his ass, I just hit him once or twice. That's all" my feet hurried towards the hoop but Levi knocked the ball out of my hand, finally making his shot.

"Good one" we slapped each other up. Out of breath we sat on the bench, I chugged water that sat inside my bottle, Huffing "I think it was Venus" Levi laughed.

Confused "What?" He kept laughing, so I joined not sure what exactly was funny. "Nothing" he shrugged me off, "Ah hell nah you better tell me" he chuckled, water falling my water bottle. "It's just I figured you liked her" My tongue pocked my cheek as I tried to hide a smile.

Venus was cool, she had a different vibe about her. It was completely different from any woman I've met, plus her 'name' is badass. "You knew?" I acted surprised. He knew everything, even when I first met Cat, he knew we had something going on but he kept quiet till I told him. "Of course, you're like my best friend. I know everything about you and the first time she walked in your eyes lit up and you acted very very different like super different. You were way more sexual but professional in rehearsals than usual, and every time I'd bring her around you'd only stare directly at her when she wasn't look."

I'm not the type to fall head over heels for someone I just met. But V was different, I felt I knew so much about her yet we only met 2 weeks ago.

"You know if you like her you should tell her, I mean when did PRINCE stop being bold? You always told girls how you felt about them, even if it wasn't nice. All throughout our lives. Especially in high school."

I guffawed at the thought of high school me. I was a brat, still kinda am.

"We'll see, I just wanna focus on the festival first than everything else after" he nodded in understanding.

Levi stood up from his seat, he played with the ball in his hand. Quickly tossing it to me "Think fast" I caught the plastic thing but my hands stung from the fast friction. "You shit" he ran back to the court to finish off our

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