Dancing in the Dark

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(Third person)

Sophie lied still in her bed as a flash back came.

Flash back: 

*cue music*

        Sophie and Keefe were playing music from her speaker as their  favorite song came on. "Foster dance with meeee" Keefe pleaded. Sophie rolled her eyes and reminded him that her dancing would be more face planting than dancing. "I'll catch you" Keefe promised. "Uggg fine"  Keefe wasted no time pulling her out  of the house while grabbing the speaker from the bed and running down to the river Sophie owned on her large portion of land. 

        Keefe loved her house and she knew that. This was his safe space. This is where he was most happy. Next to Sophie, right here right now. They were 13 year old best friends. Once they reached the river it seemed as if the word had lit up just for them. The Foxfire fungus lit up the river to neon green in the pitch black night sky while the fire flies seemed to be collecting around them. The soft green grass squished between their bare feet and the late -summer-night-air brought over a wave of serenity.

I wanna dance in the dark and never stop
We gonna light up the night like shooting stars
Whenever you hear the sound don't be alarmed
Move, move, move
Dancing in the darkI wanna dance in the dark and never stop
We gonna light up the night like shooting stars
Whenever you hear the sound don't be alarmed
Move, move, move
Dancing in the dark
They lay in the grass in peace while the song finished and a few more played.
This was Sophie's last happy memory with him. 
(A/n omg this is my first book I'm sorry if this chapter sucked my intros always do the next ones will be better! Thank you so much for reading I'm open to any help y'all have! love you 😘) 
Kayla out! Thanks

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