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Zhongli gets ready to leave while Childe is peacefully sleeping away. Zhongli is ready then heads out the door ready to go over to mondstat to see Venti or what he still calls him, Barbatos. Zhongli packed some of his osmanthus wine to share with barbatos and a few trinkets. Childe woke up after about 5 hours. He thought zhongli would still be next to him but childe thought mabye he had already gotten up. Childe thought nothing of it and headed for the shower since after his battle the day before he was soaked in blood stains and smelled horrible. He put on lukewarm water trying not to burn his fresh scars and gashes, he carefully scrubbed and washed everything and then something felt strange on his abdomen?.. There was not a single cut or anything there and he wondered why it felt like this. Had zhongli put something on him a few nights before and he didn't notice? No zhongli wouldn't do that.. would he? He didn't care all he wondered what this was until his mind started getting fuzzy and weird. He felt he would pass out and eventually he did. When he eventually woke up from the water being freezing he tried to get out but felt a strange but kind of soothing feeling down there.. Zhongli must have put something there, what else could be the explanation?! He felt around his abdomen but could not feel anything until he actually looked down. There was a large geo symbol glowing and.. vibrating?! What and why would zhongli put that there.. he tried his best to stop it but ended up falling onto his knees from the overstimulation. He silently whimperd and finally got out of that freezing shower. (The water bill had probably went up a lot by now) childe somehow stopped the vibration and was able to get up. He was oh so pissed at zhongli right now and wanted nothing more than to rip him. Childe turned off the water and left the bathroom. He wondered where the hell zhongli was and was still so pissed. He wandered and wandered but found him nowhere. For some reason childe wanted to burst out and cry. And he did- he cried for hours wanting nothing more than to squeeze zhongli tightly all night. But he never came home and this made childe even more upset. He waited about 3 weeks waiting and crying and actually putting wounds on himself for every day zhongli was gone. So many cuts where on and around him he could not take it anymore. He fell down and bashed his head but didn't wake up. Zhongli arrived 2 hours later and hoped to see childe but when he looked all he saw was him unconscious and covered in loads and tons of blood. Zhongli screamed- he layed next to childe and slowly held him. It was already too late and there was only one thing that would help. Zhongli gave up his last strength from being archon and healed childe almost fully. Childe awoken to pain and silently cried while zhongli held him sobbing as well. "My dear why would you do this?!.." childe could not respond but zhongli didn't care all he wanted was to hold Childe for infinity.

Hope you enjoyed! Also this is an au where venti and the shogun still have their gnosis but zhongli didn't!

(Not my cover) Zhongchi fluff + angstOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz