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"So what'd ya think, Omi?" Atsumu tilts his head awaiting an answer from the man beside him as they walked out of the gym with their gym bags hanging over their shoulders, welcoming the cool breeze with a smile.

"You seriously can't be asking me this. My parents hate you," Sakusa enunciated the word hate, making a clear statement on his parents hating Atsumu while he avoided eye contact with the dyed blonde, gripping tightly on the straps of his gym bag.

Atsumu already knew this. Fuck, it was obvious they didn't like him! Everytime they saw Atsumu they crossed their arms and rolled their eyes. Atsumu knew he was the complete opposite of what Sakusa's parents wanted.

They wanted a nice young lady with long natural hair, perfect skin, a perfect smile– they had high standards and to be frank, Atsumu didn't fit those standards.

And that was the best part.

"Exactly! Think 'bout it— yer parents hate me, and ya want to piss 'em off. What better way than datin' me? It won't mean anything. " Atsumu said, swinging his hands in the air as he talked with a big grin, trying to keep up with Sakusa.

Sakusa scoffed. "I'll think about it, though I'm not sure if it's a good idea." He let out a sigh, pulling out his phone as Atsumu tried to get a cab. Once a car pulled over, Atsumu asked, "You getting in?" As to which Sakusa shook his head, looking down at his phone while he searched for a specific contact in it.

"There's something else I need to do first. Go ahead without me."

Atsumu shrugged it off and got inside the car, soon disappearing in the road while Sakusa walked the opposite way, heading to a Cafe nearby.

A few minutes of walking passed by and Sakusa found himself standing in front of the Cafe. He took a step inside and looked around for seats for two, also looking around for the person he had contacted a few minutes ago.

Although he couldn't spot the person, he spotted free seats and immediately went to sit in them, a few glances coming his way admiring how beautiful this man looked.

His black curly hair against his pale skin, his black eyes that wore that same dull expression, and the two moles placed perfectly above his eyebrow.

One would be lying if they said he wasn't in the least attractive.

Sakusa checked his phone as soon as a notification popped up. A text message:

                    "I'm here, where are you?"《《

Sakusa looked around the Cafe in look for his pretty blonde friend.

There she is.

Sakusa stood up and the girl noticed his presence, hurriedly walking towards him with a bright smile on her face.

"Kiyoomi! There you are, why did you want to meet up?" She asked as she jogged towards him, giving him a small wave as both of them sat down in their seats facing each other. "Fuck—I'm glad you're here, I need some help deciding here, Yachi." Sakusa answered while he placed his palm against his face, sighing for the second time.

"Oh? Come on, what's wrong?" Yachi said, crossing her arms on the table and leaning over them, raising her eyebrows and staring attentively at Sakusa letting him know he has her full attention.

"Atsumu is what's wrong. He proposed we date to piss off my parents and I don't know if I should say yes." He moved his hands in the air dramatically before he pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh.

"Well is there a reason you should say no?" Yachi asked, tilting her head as she tapped her fingers against her arms. "You're not going to lose anything if you say yes, and you'll get to make your parents mad. Seems like a win to me." She shrugged her shoulders, her smile never once fading.

What she was saying is true. It's not like Sakusa has anything to lose, in fact, he can get what he wants without having to do much. More over, it's not like it actually means anything. Both men don't hold feelings for one another, so nothing could go wrong. Right?

Damn. He might just say yes.

"Hmm, I guess you're right..." Sakusa rested his face on his palm, looking up in the air in search of wandering answers. Sigh. "Still, it doesn't seem like the greatest idea..." He muttered the sentence, partly wishing Yachi didn't hear him and the words he just uttered.

"There's something else to it that you're not telling me, right?" She asked, quickly catching on.

The truth is there is one problem with Atsumu's plan.

Sakusa has a fat crush on Atsumu.

As a matter of fact, he is completely infatuated with Atsumu.

But Atsumu doesn't know that— and he doesn't need to— so to Atsumu, this whole fake dating thing won't mean a thing but Sakusa is a whole different story.

Sakusa doesn't think he'll be able to bear with the fact he is going to be dating his crush but none of it will be real.

"You're right, it's just— Atsumu." Sakusa let out a frustrated groan. "Why does he have to be so fucking attractive? I wish I could just rip his cocky grin from his face," He let his head fall slowly on the table, his forehead resting against it while Yachi just smirked at him.

"You're head over heels for that blonde, aren't you?" Yachi teased, "Okay, how about this— use this opportunity to get closer with him. He won't see it coming! You can just use your charm and your perfect face to win him over."

Sakusa only answered her with another long groan, looking up from the table. "But what if he thinks I'm only acting?" He asked, tilting his head on the table.

"Just do it. Eventually, he might just fall for you." Yachi reached out to him and placed her hand under his chin, making him raise his head.


A/N: Hello, this is is first time trying to write a story. I hope you liked it and if you have any suggestions on my writing then please tell me, it is very appreciated. Thank you for reading and until next time! 3. 21. 22

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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