Melody of The Piano

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On a bright Tuesday morning, as Kousei Arima opened his crystal blue eyes to the smell of rice cakes and cold winds, he realised the significance of the day as he gazed on the calendar on his desk. He got dressed and found his wife in the kitchen preparing their lunchboxes. He meekly greeted her and she returned it with a smile.
As always, Kousei has been a man of few words. His actions and demeanor spoke volumes which was enough for his close ones.
He pointed his head to his upright black piano in the living space which was glowing under the sunlight seeping through the half-open window. His wife nodded in agreement with a sad smile pasted on her face.
Every year, Kousei performed a set on three rituals on Kaori's death anniversary. For the first part, he began by sitting down on the stool and let his long fingers brush against the black and white keys as he got ready to play. The piece was Chopin's Ballade No.1 in G-minor that he set aside as a sacred eulogy to his first love, playing every morning of her death anniversary as a reminder to him and his dearest departed friend, Kaori, how much he missed her every single day of his life. The soft melody of the notes filled their home with a concoction of bittersweet memories and melancholic feelings.
Tsubaki closed her eyes and soaked in the moment. A bedroom door to the right slightly creaked which made her look. It opened and a cute face peeped through. She was a young teen with brown hair and indigo eyes in her pajamas. Tsubaki signalled her daughter to be silent by putting her finger to her mouth and pointing at the figure who was immersed in the experience at the piano.
Misaki left the door open and came to stand close to her mother who side-hugged her as she watched her father pay the beautiful composition. Unlike him, she was interested in playing the violin. She found it more elegant and refined, much to Kousei's annoyance. Similar to him, she was often referred to as a child prodigy by her mentors which had always worried Tsubaki.
Kousei played the last few keys of the ballade followed by a minute of silence in the entire house. He stood up and wiped away a tear from the corner of his eyes. He turned around to find his daughter who acknowledged him with her intense blue eyes which reminded him of Kaori's and a bright smile.
"That was amazing, dad!", she chimed in. It was the first time she had heard her father play this popular piece of Chopin's Ballade.
"Th..thanks,", Kousei had never been good with compliments. "What are you still doing here?", he looked away at the wall clock.
"No school today. I am coming with you." She sat down at the table and poured herself a glass of milk and looked at her mother for further explanation.
Kousei followed her course of action.
Tsubaki placed the plates on the table and said, "it's been a long time since Misaki visited her aunt." She continued in a lower tone, "she insisted.", as she took her seat.
Kousei nodded in understanding.
The family of three were eating their breakfast in silence when a loud ringtone freaked them out. Tsubaki answered her phone quickly. Her one-sided conversation sounded somewhat like..
"Yes. We are ready."
"Yes. I have packed the lunchboxes."
"Okay. Okay. Bye."
She spoke, "uncle Ryota is coming with his car in five minutes.", and pointed at Misaki, "hurry up and get dressed fast."
Misaki bit into a her last piece of toast and rushed back into her room.
"I baked a chocolate cake this year. I hope she likes it.", Tsubaki told Kousei.
He nodded and said, "she will."
"I should probably pack it up now. Can you clean up the table for me?", she asked.
Kousei replied faintly, "okay."

A few minutes later, a car honked in front their house, deafening the whole neighbourhood.
"COMING!", Tsubaki shouted, being the only member in her household who could achieve that feat.
Misaki panicked at their loud exchange and rushed out to greet her uncle.
Tsubaki scolded her from behind, "Misaki! Where's your jacket? It is 5 degrees outside."
As she prepared to carry out the bags, Kousei took one out of her hands.
Misaki swiftly went back in and came out with a pale pink jacket in her arms when Tsubaki noticed that she wasn't wearing her scarf either. Out of the fear of becoming a nagging mother, she went into her daughter's bedroom and grabbed it from the closet herself.
"Yo!", Ryota greeted the pair. He turned his attention to his niece, "and how's my favourite person doing?"
Misaki giggled and said, "why don't you come visit us anymore?"
Ryota missed his best friends and the tiny little life they made together. He had been busy in the past few years building his career in the sports world. It has been tough but they have always been there to support him all the way.
"Your parents don't love me anymore.", he fake-cried as Misaki climbed onto the backseat.
"Liar!", she accused him.
Meanwhile, Kousei and Tsubaki came out and got in the car.
"How was the national tour?", Tsubaki enquired, "sorry we couldn't be there."
Ryota shook his head, "it's alright.", and turned on the ignition. "Kousei, put on your seatbelt. I don't want to pay a fine.", he mocked.
Kousei fumbled to grasp the belt with his right hand. Tsubaki assisted him from the back. Ryota noticed that and smiled warmly. "Here we go."
The ride was smooth and having two talkative members in the group made it pleasantly interesting. Misaki put on her headphones as the adults chatted. They drove to the countryside. The fields were empty and the trees were bare. The misty atmosphere gave a mysteriously dangerous vibe. Misaki clicked some pictures with her smartphone. She was completely mesmerized by the serene ambience.
The car took a sharp left turn and came to a stop. Ryota exclaimed, "we are here!"

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