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ofc let's start  with Bojack the main character

Bojack Horseman is a star from a show called "horsing around" in his early 40s, and now he's in his late 50s as a alcoholic, he appears to be a self aware he's suffering from his mental health and which we will all see soon throughout every episode of the 6 season show. he is dependent on his friends to help or fix his problems for him, overall he's just selfish, arrogant and just really lost in life and has struggled too deep in depression.

Princess Carolyn she is the most hardworking woman I, myself have ever seen, she barely takes breaks and when she does get free time she gets sad and doesn't know what to do. aside from that she's been wanting to have her own family but whenever she tried, she always miscarries the poor unborn child. she's 47 years old and has been stuck being in a in and out relationship and waiting for Bojack for 25 years ,  she gave up and ended up marrying her assistant Juda, and she also adopted a baby porcupine named Ruthy.

Sara Lyn she was one of the characters who suffered greatly as a child. she was a drug addict and she came from a show as a child actress to a p0rnstar before she died at the of age 31.

Todd Chavez he is lazy, and that's why his mother kicked him out and never got to finish college , he always wants and likes to be helpful in any way he could. Tod goes through tough challenges in his life but he still finds a way to be happy about something, I would say he's doing pretty good in his 30s.

Diane Nyugen she's a 41 year old woman who went through a shitty life because of her family being a bunch of jerks honestly, yet she came out mature. but she's a hypocrite and sets herself in a impossible standard and loathes herself but she learned she can survive on her own.

Mr Peanut Butter he is everyone's favorite dog, in fact he looks up to Bojack and is always trying hard to be Bojacks best friend but Bojack always ignores this and gets annoyed at Mr Peanut Butter's efforts on trying to initiate a relationship with Bojack, he's this really happy dog when in reality he's the same as those miserable around him, he's as self-fish as Bojack but in another way and he fills up his life with meaningless activities until he dies, it's honestly surprising for a 52 year old to fake his happiness this far.

these characters are the ones who gets the most screen time than the other characters involved. but you may actually really relate to them or really learn a lot from each characters struggles 

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