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I'm going to be starting with the fandom's most basic ones. If you don't like any of the books mentioned please leave it at that and move forward. Everyone has an opinion, but that does not give anybody the right to hate on the writer or the writing in the comments section/post.

This book will include: the name of the recommended fic, writers' name, summary, rating, language, word count, pairings, tags, number of  chapters and about the completion for each and every fic mentioned. I will also be adding the link in the comments so that you can copy it easily.

If any fic consists explicit content, b!l (bottom Louis), b!h (bottom harry), Vers (versatile) would be mention after under the heading of rating. If any fic contains a triggering scene - including but not limited to: mentions of death, usage of drugs, enforced dominance, weaponry, blood/gory, BDSM, cheating - there will be "⚠️" emoji under the description. And a "🔒" if the fic is only available to the ao3 registered users. I will try to make this as easy for you all as possible, hoping this will help.

And as I mentioned in the summary, I'll add images/gifs/ mood boards/ etc in the cover for each fic. The owner of post will also get the credits if I know who it belongs to. If not that will also be mentioned.

If you want me to add a fic in this list, do comment or message me.

Thank you, all. Enjoy. 💗

Larry Stylinson Fan-fiction recommendationWhere stories live. Discover now