Will To Mix

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If you cannot mix,
Then let me treat you.

I will find a Mixel voice for you.

I will find Mixel parts.

I will show you how to be a Mixel,
teach you to be a Mixel,
For I will help you mix.

I will help you bond with Mixelkind.

Human or not, you should at least bond with Mixelkind,
but you will need to take your first steps first.

And with those first steps, I shall help you prepare for Mixelkind.

Many a Mixel believed in all humans being monsters, but what they believed was true has become true only in the past.

War, poverty, disease, economic crisis, and more.

Now, humans are slowly decreasing in evil, but Mixels take quicker to decrease in evil.

If you do not wish to mix,
then that is okay, for that means
you have the will of a human.

If you wish to mix,
then you have an amazing will to mix,
or the will of a Mixel.

Everyone has a different will to mix.

For humans, a will to mix means to bake, to paint, to go with the flow, to create new things.

For Mixels, a will to mix means to fuse with one another, to defeat all evil, to create new beings.

Mixels and humans are all alike on the inside, but they are very different on the outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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