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Do you hear that?

Of course you dont.

You never do.

Every time,

I scream out.


That you might hear me.

You never do

Are you just too deaf?

Too deaf,

To hear my screams?

My crying out for help,

My crying out for attention?

Does anyone ever notice me?

Does anyone ever hear me?

I feel,

As if I am in a bubble.

I can see everyone else,

But they can not hear me

Forever stuck

Forever alone

I try to scream out

One last time

No use

No luck


Why don't you listen?

You don't notice

You don't hear

You don't know that

Everytime my screams get softer

They get quieter

They get fewer


There are none

No more screams

No more cries for help

No more cries for attention


You still don't notice

You don't notice that you missed out,

Missed out on the chance,

The chance to help.

I withered away to nothing

You didnt do anything about it

You didn't know,

It seems you didn't care

One day,

You're going to turn around,

Hear a faint sound in the air.

But there's nothing there

It's gone

I'm gone

You missed your chance

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