Dates With An Aromantic

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Before the chapter starts I should mention that Virgil does not know Roman and Logan are aro. They aren't necessarily in the closet but they don't care enough to come out. Also Roman jokes that he's gay a lot because he is aesthetically attracted to men and also says his sexuality is asexual and doesn't go into more detail . Also Roman uses they/them pronouns and has a prosthetic leg(I love the Roman doesn't have legs joke too much and it's now apart of my fics ok)

tw: food, one joke about sex(sex is never said though)

"I'm just saying he is one of the hottest men alive, Roman shouted to Virgil from the couch. Virgil walked over bring the bowl of popcorn with him He sat down next to Patton giving him a small peck on the cheek

"well if you want to date him so much be my guest" Roman laughed before shoving a handful of popcorn into their mouth

"as if. My standards are beyond his capabilities" they said through the popcorn

"chew it don't spew it" Roman stuck their tongue out at Virgil which was pretty gross with half chewed food on it

"Come on kiddos, stop fighting," Patton finally said, interrupting his two roommates. "we are ending this food war and starting our Disney Marathon or I will turn this car around" Virgil pouted at his boyfriend "fine but its official I'm getting this heaven a boyfriend if it kills me"

Roman leaned back against the couch "good luck Nightmare at the museum."

"ouch not your best princey" Roman shrugged as Patton started Lion King

Virgil flipped down on his bed "All I'm saying Logan is one date." he heard Logan sigh through the other end of the phone

"And what I'm saying is that I need to study. Medical school isn't easy, you know. I'm far too busy for 'one date' as you put it"

"Come on, they're cool people. Worst comes to worst you meet my roommate"

"you understand you could just invite me over to your apartment, correct?"

"No. cause then Patton will make me clean my room"

"Virgil clean your room"

"You aren't my dad. But that's not the point. One date, this Saturday."


"They'll pay for dinner"


Virgil laughed and hung up the phone. Now all he needed to do was convince Roman to go. It should be easy considering they're the biggest romantic of all time.

Actually in hindsight he should have asked Roman first. But hindsight is 20 20 and we all know 20 20 sucked.

Virgil knocked on Romans door and walked. Roman was sitting on their bed surrounded by papers and textbooks, their prosthetic leg sitting on the ground next to them to make more room for the papers.

"So. Roman you free this Saturday?" Roman looked up from their textbook

"What do you mean by free? Like movie night free or waiting in line for the newest marvel movie tickets you want to see but don't want to wait in line for free?"



"Fine. I have a date set up for you."

Roman shrugged "meh"

"MEH! Come on, it's one date with one of my friends. He and Pat share a couple of classes. you'll like him"

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