the most beautiful girl's cat

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Rafaela Juane aka Miss Allurer

The most beautiful woman in town has issued an ultimatum. Anyone who wishes to woo her must catch her cat and claim the key to her home

Many men tried to hunt the cat, chase and trap it, but to no avail, the cat was just too quick and clever

Laziz, a simple postman had walked his way to deliver a letter to Raf's house, he stopped in front of the small familiar pink mailbox and had opened his bag to reach for Raf's letter when Raf herself, opened the door to her house and walked her way to Laziz's direction

Laziz acknowledged the soft thudding and looked up to see Raf gently smiling at him, "Oh, good morning miss" he greeted

"Hello, good morning to you too" Raf greeted back and waved a little, but her mood instantly soured when she saw the letter Laziz was holding

The letter was nicely decorated, placed in a pink envelope with a little red heart in the middle

"You've got a letter" Laziz smiled as he handed the letter

"Oh. Thanks" Raf replied coldly

It was quiet for a moment before Laziz decided to speak, "Hey, if you don't mind me asking..." Laziz hesitated which didn't go unnoticed by Raf

"Yes?" she asked as she looked at Laziz curiously

"Why have I seen so many traps around lately" he asked

"Oh" Raf huffed, "They have to catch my cat if they want a date" she answered coldly

"Your cat?" Laziz asked confused, "Why?" he continued

"She has my house key around her neck" Laziz gasped lightly, he stared at Raf in disbelief

"They're trying to trap her to win you?" Laziz asked in a very concerned tone

"Yep" Raf shrugged as she inspected the letter Laziz gave, "They don't care if they hurt her" Raf suddenly tore the letter apart, "They don't care about me" Raf said in a very irritated and angry tone

Laziz gaped a little

"I'm not worried though" Raf shrugged as she throw the torn paper to the ground

"They'll never catch her" Raf deadpans as she smirked at the shredded paper at the ground,

She entered her house, a few moments later, leaving a very upset Laziz behind

"Yeah" Laziz murmured as he stared at the shredded paper on the ground


Later that day, Laziz sat under the mango tree near Raf's home, sadness was written all over his face

He sighed, playing with the small rock on the ground, suddenly he heard ruffling behind him, he turned to see a black cat, Raf's black cat to be specific, it glared at Laziz thinking he was a threat but Laziz just smiled softly at it

"Hey beautiful" he greeted the cat softly as the cat slowly and cautiously approach her, Laziz thought of an idea

"I thought you might like some catnip" Laziz said smiling as he showed the small plant to the black cat

The cat examined the little plant for a minute before it played with the plant, jumping happily and purring softly at Laziz who chuckled and pet her softly

The 2 had a moment for a minute before the black cat looked down to the small key on her neck, Laziz noticed it and smiled, "Don't worry. I'm not going to take it, I just thought you deserved some kindness instead of being chased"

The cat smiled at Laziz which he gladly returned, "But after she tore up my love letter. I don't think she wants anyone to catch you" she frowned

The black cat suddenly widened its eyes and started shaking, suddenly a few moments later, a lady is on top of Laziz

"That was your letter" It was Raf, her face was a few inches close to him, and he could smell her strawberry vanilla breath

"You're-you're the cat" Laziz stuttered as he stared at Raf, blushing furiously

"Guess I caught you then" Laziz smiled, still trying to recover from the mini shock

"Yeah" Raf answered softly as she stared at Laziz, her hazel eyes shining with love

She had adored the simple guy for a long while now and so she didn't waste any more time and slowly leaned forward

Their lips met and Raf knew, she knew that Laziz is the one for her

If the story seemed familar to you, May Samly version din kasi to, check out the 'Three is Better Than Two' book for it😊

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