Track Star

114 9 0

"You sure?" Cat tied her sneakers. I stretched my arms, reaching high. "Of course I'm sure" we both bent our knees before pushing our selves to run. The wind blew against our face, as we ran fast. Running was another one of my favorite things to do, I enjoyed the breeze and the way I felt after it.

"I mean you've known him for a while right?" I struggled through each breath.

Cat caught up with me "Yeah a few years or so" she shouted, sweat formed on my forehead. My legs started to swell and my torso asked for a break. I resisted. "That's a hell of a long time, you sure y'all never did anything?" I hinted. When Levi told me Prince and Cat had history I kinda figured. He's a handsome man and she's a beautiful woman.

It made sense.

She stopped in her tracks, huffing for breath. As she gathered her lungs I laid on the grass, it was dirty but I didn't mind getting mucky. It only made me feel like a child again.

She laid beside me, both out of breath. "Well there was these few months we had like a fling or some shit" her face flushed red at the thought of her and his time. I fidgeted
with my nails "See that's a start" She looked
to the sky.

The only boyfriend I ever had was my ex Victor, he was a real douche bag. "I'll try to figure a time where him and I can talk, I'll get some in-site on you from him and we'll go on with the news from there" cool winds blew over my body.

"You know I feel like I can tell you everything, your like my best friend" my past I wasn't so proud of, I felt guilty. Building up the courage to tell Cat or anyone else about my life was a hard thing I was trying to accomplish, I was living the best life I've ever had. I felt if I told anyone about this they'll view me differently, think of me as dirty.

"Cat there is something I need to tell you" I took a deep breath but before any words escaped my mouth small sprinkles of water
hit my skin. It was starting to rain, "We better hurry" Me and Cat scurried upwards, running towards the car.

I sat on a wood chair, viewing the band as Prince took it away. This has been the 4th time I'd ever been to rehearsals with Levi and the gang.

They said they were practicing some songs for a festival that's arriving in the city of Minneapolis next week. Cat danced herself away, taking the floor as she always did. I tapped my foot along the ground, enjoying the godly music.

Once the song was finished Cat ran towards me, in her hand was a small makeup bag. "Hey girl" she cheek kissed me. "Hey" her body was sweaty from all the dancing she'd been doing. "You're always killing it C" her smile grew wide at my genuine complement.

The crew went over some notes they thought they needed more practice on. "Can you fix my mascara? It's all runny from me dancing. Here use this so you can powder me up" she handed me her pink mascara tube and a powder puff. I took the makeup into my hands, I tried to be quick since rehearsals wasn't finished.

I gently patted under her eyes, using my fingers in the process to clean the smudged ink.

Dipping the brush into the tube and wiggling it out I lightly brushed Cats long lashes "Don't poke me" we both giggled. Levi and Prince examined the two of us enjoying our time together "Looks like Cat found her new BFF" Levi tuned his guitar.

"She sure has" Prince whispered into Levi's ear, suggesting a song he thought was perfect for the moment.

(Play this for your imagination ^)

It was new. A song I never heard before, I was interested. Cat tried to freestyle but knew nothing of the song, it seemed only Prince, Fink and Levi knew it.

Shelia stood helpless. Atlanta and Miko tried to play along, "For this one let Fink, L and I show you how it goes" the beat continued its pattern as Prince started the lyrics. I placed the makeup back into Cats bag, my eyes still printed on Prince.

The lyrics were different. Know one's ever sung about being someone's girlfriend, not that I know of.

Yeah, we'll, we'll try to imagine what silence looks like
Yeah, we'll try

It was crazy. The way his mind worked, incredible to say the least. A man longing for a more intimate relationship, questioning if his woman would open up to him more if he was her girlfriend other than lover.

It was amazing. My heart beat ran circles around my chest, a feeling of butterflies arose in my stomach. I started to feel hot, my skin burned with desire, my palms became sweaty. Every high note this man hit made me melt, what was this feeling?

My breath fastened, I needed fresh air. In the middle of the song I stormed out from the building. Catching everyone's attention. Running down the stairs and out of the big building. I caught my breath, what the hell just happened? It felt like a panic attack of some sort!

Was it the song?

Levi ran out, his guitar still hanging from his shoulder. Approaching me I sat on the curb of the silent road, a few cars passed by. "Hey you okay?" He leaned down. My breathing slowed at the sound of Levi's voice, his aura was relaxing.

"Uh yeah I don't what happened" he stroked my back. How could a song make me have a panic attack, the way Prince moved and his voice overwhelmed me with lust. I couldn't be like this, I couldn't hurt Cat.

Levi brought me up with his huge muscles "Thanks" I wiped my pants off. "You sure you okay? What was it?" He questioned, I couldn't tell him what I felt. Cat was like my best friend now and if I hurt anyone else I loved I would loose it all.

Prince lingered in my mind, "Probably the air, it was really hot" I lied. I had too, I'm not gonna risk everything I have right now.

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