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The Grade: 7

As I was reading 'Animal Farm' waiting for my uncle to pick me up, I saw a couple people walk towards me. I was annoyed because nobody talked to me because of the rumours. I don't know why, but the older students think I'm a weirdo who is obsessed with every girl my age. Okay, just because I decide to talk to a few girls doesn't mean I like them. I mean, people are accusing me of having a crush on some who is in a RELATIONSHIP! What kind of mother****** would think that? Oop, wrong word. I mean mother trucker. Besides the people who would talk to are the people who bully me.

"I heard you had a crush on some people. Is that true?" One of them asked. He is like the underling

Oh wooow. THIS is what they've decided to talk about. Goodness gracious.

"I don't...Why do you believe this?" I responded without looking at them.

"We know you like different girls in our class. That's why you can't be normal near girls." Another one asked.

"Listen, I'm not normal near girls because I don't know how to talk to them! Besides like I said, I don't have feelings for any of them?" I said now looking at them.

"What about E*** (name not revealed yet)? DIdn't you hang out often after school?" One of the girls say.

"That was in grade 1 or something... besides,  Why do you want to know this?" I say in confusion.

"That is irrelevant. What is relevant is you answering the f***ing question, JackAss!" The tougher man asked.

"I did. Can you not hear me? Are you deaf?" I said annoyed standing up.

Suddenly, I get a punch to the stomach and I fall down. "Shut up, you trash. No one will ever love OR fall in love with you. Not even your parents who are shit!"

I start standing up slowly while saying, "My parents love me. I couldn't ask for better parents than them. They know me. They know my life. They know about how you guys spread rumours about me and they support my side because the know my real self, you bi---" I cover my mouth.

"What were you about to say?" The leader asked. I started to run, but the thugs pin me down.

"Please tell me?" She asked in a fake innocent voice. Yeah, I know. A female is bullying me for this. I'm not sexist, but that is just pure irony. The leader is everyone b-word and the queen of bullying. She at least dated every boy her age except me. Which I couldn't care for.

"I ain't telling you crap" I muttered and I get lifted up in a positions where I can't use my arms.

The queen of the bullies walked up to me and got up in my face. Then said, "Since you're not telling me crap. I'll let my boys talk to you."

I say immediately with sarcasm, "WOW you have children. How did I not see this coming this? You are the.. what's it called. Oh yeah. The B**** of the school." She punches me a couple of times, then leave with his boys saying, "Don't kill him." I knew what this had meant. All the boys start punching me and kicking me calling me names.

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