The White Roar

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Benjies mewls echoed from the brownstone, mousy and thin, reminding Matthew Murdock of his tender age.
"Daaaddy?" worry hadn't ebbed into his voice yet, it still rang with the silvery chime of curiosity, something the boy acquired from Matt's better half.
Vainly his mind went to his husband, likely still at his lab. The phone in his hand chanted a busy dial tone, an issue with the towers, or everyone around him calling their loved ones at once.
The sky had grown dark, an eerie sort of sickly tint, but Matt hadn't noticed that.
He did notice it was suddenly much cooler, the wind had picked up, there was a buzzing electricity to the air that reminded the sensitive man of the moments before a thunderstorm, so much so that he had set aside the briefs he had been studying and left the kitchen to open their front door.
It was standing out on the curling steps of the historic home that Matt got a real sense of the gravity of what was happening, and realized he needed to move.
Inside of a desk drawer, in the office upstairs, the satellite phone with his hero contacts rang out with a droning beep; and he turned to go get it- nearly bowling over his young son who had wandered up behind him in his attempt to find his father only to stop cold in his tracks as wind tugged at one of his heroes.
Raising his arms to Matt he made grabby hands, his face tense with a worry which he assuredly acquired from Matt rather than his counterpart.
“Hey benjie, hey bud…”
Gently Matt scooped up the boy, just barely tottering beyond the age of toddler, and he hugged him close,
“Is there a storm tonight? Daddy is still at work."
"Yeah I know bud, it looks like it huh? But it’s okay, I am going to go call him right now, why don’t you go find Kalli, I want both of you to put on your rain boots and coats okay, just in case we need to go get dad.”
Benjie was full of his genetic donor's sense of determination, and with a furrowed brow over his mismatched irises he gave his father a firm nod before sliding out of his arms and running back into the house to find his sister.
Matt hesitated in the doorway for a beat longer, noting a sound that made his heart shudder in his chest.
A roaring white noise, consistent and growing.
He turned on heel, taking the stairs three at a time to make it to his office in a record breaking speed, tearing open the drawer he lifted the sat phone to his ear without checking to see who it was, moving quickly from the office back to the next set of stairs, into the attic space that he and Peter used as their home base.
“Yeah, yeah, Peter? I'm here…”
Even over the satellite phone Peter came through choppy and static attacked what words made it. Matt could tell he was swinging, the air rushed past the bluetooth built into his suit.
“You with the kids?” his breath came through almost as much as his words and Matt had to rely far too much on his super hearing to make out what the spider said.
“of course, what's going on?”
“There is some...Pacific Rim monster in the bay??”
“Okay make a reference I can understand?!”
“umm…. godzilla?” Matt had been taking off his shirt, the phone pinched between his cheek and ear.
“Tony and Steven are here and we have backup coming.” Matt paused, pressing the phone to his chest for a moment to better hear the world around him, Kalli and Ben were making their way to the attic steps, though they lingered at the bottom, not being allowed in their fathers work space was a hard and fast rule which they were reluctant to break.
But Matt was more concerned with the sounds beyond them, they were only a few blocks from the bridge, screams and the white noise roar were growing into a crescendo.
He brought the phone back to his ear.
“Peter, it is causing flooding in the city. The subways will be underwater any minute. I have to get the kids out of here.” Matt was yanking his suit on, buckling his belt and holsters and moving to the door calling down for the children to come up.
There were the sounds of a struggle on the other end of the line but Matt couldn't discern much, a crackle before- “it’s heading right towards Manhattan we can’t let it get to land!”
This wasn’t meant for his husband but for either Steven or Tony; yet the sentiment did enough for the Daredevil to stress the imminent danger.
As if to belabor a point the low droning wail of sirens filled the street- they were evacuating the city- not even Fisk was a big enough idiot to let the people of New York perish so mindlessly.
“Matt! get them out of here I will- gah!” Matt could make out the impact, something heavy hitting Pete before there was an influx of crackling, the signal going out just as his children topped the stairs with wide fearful eyes, their rain boots heavy on the wood.
shit” Matt hissed under his breath but tried to hide the worry from his face as he moved to kneel in front of his children, half suited up in the red pants and black straps, setting the phone aside so that he could place a hand on each child's shoulder.
"Okay. This is that thing we have been preparing for. Remember how we talked about what we would do if anything reaaally dangerous were to come to the city?"
They hadn't had a World Ending Event in New York in years, not since before he and Pete had found Ben, there had been a couple of close calls in the boys infancy- but when Kalli had come to them Matt had pushed for disaster plans.
"We have to get out of the city. Go to the cabin upstate with Grandma May."
Kalli spoke in a measured lulling fashion indicative of English being her second language, but even her steady cadence was tinted by fear.
The smell of it rolled off of the children and made Matt's blood run cold.
"That's right. So I want you to go get your bags, and meet me at the front door, okay?"
Kalli's eyes had wandered from her father to the room around them, converted into a home gym and housing most of Matt and Peter's equipment.
Her brown eyes, which held her mothers cool determination, settled on the horned hood that lay on the desk next to the sat phone.
"Do we need masks too?"
Matt stopped, cocking his head slightly in confusion as to where the question had come from.
"What? No…"  Kalli had only been with them a little over a year but she had admittedly given Matt and Peter some stress. She wasn't like Benjie, she was raised with violence being normalized, it had taken quite a bit of gentle leading and stern talks to convince the child that what her fathers did, and what her mother had done, were not the same.
"What if someone sees us with you." She was also much more deceptive, not always in a malicious way, but Benjie wore his heart proudly as a chest piece; guessing the young girl's motivations was nearly impossible. Even for her lie detecting father.
"Then we tell them the truth. I'm taking you somewhere safe to meet your dads."
Benjie nodded, as if this was obvious and turned heel to follow the instructions with the buoyant determination of a child.
Matt stood too, turning from Kallista to pull his armor over his head.
The first iteration of the Daredevil suit sat snug on a mannequin in the corner next to Peter's original Spiderman- neatly stitched back together at the chest but outdated nonetheless.
Matt had retired his own for less protection initially settling on simpler pants, a tighter fitting polyester and kumpur wraps- going for speed and agility was better than the clunkier armor that offered more protection but had slowed him down.
Now Matt wore a design of Peter's making- something about a high grade elastomer microfiber weave. Things still hurt like hell when they hit but rarely with enough force to break the weave. Blades actually did more damage than bullets but that was fine by Matt.
As the body armor was strapped into place and the horned hood pulled over his head he realized his daughter still lingered in the room, staring up at the costumes and gadgets in appreciation for a world she had been taken out of only recently.
"Kalli, hunny I really need you to get a move on."
Matt tried to keep his voice gentle but admittedly some irritation leaked through and the young warrior, only creeping up on her eighth birthday, took it like a soldier would and gave a brief nod and mumbled a "yes sir.." before disappearing down the steps from the attic with nearly imperceptible footfall.
Matt busied himself with grabbing his Go Bag, shoving the satellite phone in before throwing it over his shoulder and heading down the stairs after her.
Kallista diverted to her room to grab her own bag while Matt continued down the steps, now in the thick set boots that rarely left the attic through any other means than the window.
At the bottom of the steps stood Benjamin, his red rain coat hood pulled up over his head and the backpack straps pulled tight by anxious hands that still gripped in white knuckled fear as he stared out the open front door.
Matt was nearly bowled over by the visceral reaction the smell of fear on his son caused, a sense of protectiveness took over the Devil who stepped past the young boy to better understand what had sent him so cold.
But he hardly had to leave the threshold of the door, in his attempt to focus on his tasks at hand he had not realized how loud the white roar had become; water rushed through the streets, at least shin deep. People ran madly around abandoned cars, sloshing through the fast moving tides in desperate attempts to get further from the East River.
Matt's breath left his chest but he struggled to get another in, he hadn't expected the water to rise so fast, he had hoped they were far enough up from the bay that they had more time.
Peter must not have been exaggerating about the size of the monster wading towards their city, and Matt didn't have to strain his ears to hear it's angry shrieks even from the small Queens home.
"Okay… okay come on." He turned to hike Kallisa onto his back and scooped up the smaller child into his arms before he shot his grapple over the edge of the rooftop, transfering the line to his belt before reeling it in, hoisting them over the side of the building with expert dexterity. He paused here briefly, giving thanks for the rain holding off, setting the children down and taking their hands in his own as he moved across the flat rooftops towards the northernmost connection of the Brownstones to another set of buildings.
They trudged along in silence for a moment, the children moving at a light jog to keep up with the pendulous stride of their father.
"Are we gunna go get dad?"
Matt hesitated, turning his ear towards the bay where monstrous screeches still begged his husband attention. He assumed, he couldn't believe Spiderman to be anything less than perfectly fine- if a little tired and waterlogged but safe and uninjured- it was the only way he could maintain a level enough head to do his job.
He gave his head a slight shake,
"He is going to meet us at the cabin."
Both children seemed perturbed by this but said nothing as they moved onward north along the strip of easy rooftop. Beneath them the water rose higher in surging gushes, nothing like a tsunami which was consistent and rapid, this instead seemed to ebb and flow- likely with the harsh movements of the beast miles away in the water- rising in bursts to push debris down the streets in swirling masses.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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Babies first web slingerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें